New redesigned Duncan Butterfly XT!

I did this today:

Put some Duncan performance rings in my worlds edition Butterfly XT, but I didn’t like the look of the exposed nuts/bolts so I made some plastic caps to fit underneath. Plays great, solid 63g.


fixed axle?

Didn’t do anything with the guts yet, just responsive bearing.

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ok cool

what string is that?

do the wooden yoyos like the Carlson have responsive bearings? or are they fully responsive? thanks!

Not sure… Red Kitty String probably.

The Carlson is a fixed axle yo-yo, as are most wooden yo-yos. No bearings, just a wood axle.

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thanks bro!!

That looks dope

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Yeah the white looks so classy! :+1:


That simple black/white looks so good. Also makes me wish I had some performance rings kicking around.

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I tried putting performance rings on a Freehand Nextgen once and it just added incredible amounts of vibe. I know that is supposed to be a sign of rings that weren’t properly installed, but dang, I shoved those things into the cups as hard as I could…

Wouldn’t be the same, but I bet you could go old school and put a couple rubber o-rings inside to add a little weight. Like old difeyos or the original Freehand 2.

Wouldn’t have that nice style of Garrett’s though.


How did you do that? Did you just use the existing caps? It looks tight

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So the plastic yoyo that accompanies the Tourneys and Orbitals and such in the 2019 WYYC wooden boxes is the new Butterfly XT, yes?


Just curious?

How did you calculate that you would need such a wiiiiide response area?

I’ve never seen anything quite that huge.

But then again; what do I know🤔

Also; how deep is the response groove?


Yea what do ya know? :laughing: My guess would be he just used whatever chisel he had on hand.

I laser cut the caps to size from some white acrylic I had. 2nd try got them right, first set rattled a bit.


Not sure the rest of your inquiries but the response area on a 650b looks about that wide.

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I’m curious about this as well. The outer diameter of the response is more “purple” than the middle area. It looks like the response groove is much shallower near the outer diameter.