I would like to know if the New Genesis is as good as it seems. I like full-sized, wide, and heavy yoyos. Not heavy like H5xChief or Surge heavy (although my Surge is really good, just don’t want another one). I think the best one for me would be the Pink or Purple/Pink Splash color schemes. What do you think?
Also, I would like to know if it is worth the money. Would somebody that has one please post a review so I can see how they like it and why so maybe I can learn a bit more about it?
BTW, is this in the right forum? If not, please move it.
I completely agree with LinksLegionaire on this one. I own one of the recently released Genesis (Pink) and one of the original in Pink as well. They both play great and I would not hesitate at all in grabbing one. I also would say that the “Doomsday” edition of the Genesis is absolutely awesome as well if you can find one.
Also, material change, depending on the model you choose.
The 2012 Genesis were all 6061.
Doomsday Genesis were 7075, but also different due to hub design.
I’ve heard the 7075 Luis Genesis is currently the “best” by anyone that has tried variations of different Genesis.
I would love to grab one but I just can’t afford new yoyo’s like the good ol’ days.