So large bearing? And thin response? or small bearing and wide response? God I hope its the later.

We’re actually running two versions. Freehand Classic with slim bearing and thick silicone, and Freehand Pro, stock with Konkave and standard silicone.

Both versions will have separate colors.

We’re also working on a new silicone that performs better than the white silicone we’ve used in the past.


I really like the duncan silicone pads. Not sure I have tried your white silicone stickers

I need the green color. :slight_smile:

So two different versions? Pro and Classic? Prob going to get pro, unless it doesn’t have that green. How much will it be?

Yes there will be two different versions. the pro will have a size C bearing and the classic will have an size A bearing. I don’t remember exactly but each color represents either pro or classic I think

I will be getting both! I hope Augie means size A bearing and not thin C bearing.

Sadly I think he means slim C bearing, and Wide concave C bearing. :frowning: I’m totaly gutted they killed this model.

Can we get someone to confirm this?
I was pretty hyped for this release but won’t be picking it up if it has a C bearing.

It is a C bearing.

I think my issue with this is that it just isn’t a freehand… or anything resembling one… it’s just a new plastic yo-yo.


If those white pipless die are not included in the production models, I am going to be wildly unhappy.


same here bro
really wanted that white die