New BI-ATLAS Yoyo want feedback

Did you know you can edit a post multiple times to add your thoughts instead of making multiple, sequential posts to do essentially the same thing…


Kind of…

The color ways I was thinking are emerald/silver rims, pink/silver rims, blackout, black/silver fade/ rainbow rims.

I had an emerald atlas btw. I stripped the axle.
I agree with you. I wanted to make the BI-ATLAS very durable, hence the flat cup. I think it’s going to come (if it ever makes it into reality) with a longer axle then most yo-yos. For tune-ability and durability.

Fun fact, with the brass rims this Yoyo weighed 76g

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That’s not too bad. Not a Nine Dragons yet.

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So the rings are only 5g a piece?

If i were you I’d slim up the body to get it closer to the min thickness of the metal youre choosing and make the rings 10g a piece. At 5g I feel like there’s no point except for asthetics.

For the rims, what about more exotic colors. It seems that the few colors that are used are gold, silver, or iridescent. What about an opposite color palate, like some of the YYF shutters. The thing where the two colors cancel each other when spinning. That would be really cool and new.

Cool design but could do with screenshots instead of photos of a monitor. Difficult to see some details

I tried, but I cant figure out how.

I don’t know the limit of colors for rims. With the ss it might be more limited. It would be cool though.

I cut a lot of weight of the body specifically so that I could have heavier rings. I think they are close to 8.5-9g apeice.


Google how to screenshot on ur pc and thank me later


Heads up dude, as a mod already mentioned you need to use the edit feature instead of spam replying. Either that or put all your thoughts in one comment instead of 3 in a row.


If it is anything like watches, I believe the color is just plated onto the ss. If anyone knows it is different please clarify for me.

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i now have the completed version. heres some pics
rings: 39.8g
image image image
body: 26g
and full thing. assembled and colored. 65.8g
image image image

taken with screenshots this time

anyone have an idea for a cool yoyo they want reimagined? i was thinking of doing a bimetal version of the blade. (maybe a bi-metal par avion too)

heres another cool picimage

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Looks like a nice improvement!

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OG Peak


you got it.
i assume you have one, or have had one. can you send me some pics and your goals with this particular throw? i couldn’t find very good pics online… and i don’t want to go off, doing my own thing before i know 1-2 things you want with it.

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first, do you want it bimetal? or just reimagined as a fun, maybe wider yoyo? i bimetal organic could be pretty sick…

All you need even some CAD shots

Complete history of clyw peak.


I didn’t think these things existed!

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This is such a great read. Love the design document explaining the inspiration behind the shape and size.


heres the peak

image image image
ignore the extremely sharp corners. this is just a little something so you can see what i was thinking. how do you like the shape?

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