New BI-ATLAS Yoyo want feedback

just made a cool monometal design. like it if you would buy it.

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gap: 4.45 mm / 0.17 inches
width: 55.98 mm / 2.2 inches
diameter: 47.00 mm / 1.85 inches
response: CBC “Slim Pad” Size 19mm OD
bearing: Size C (.250 x .500 x .187)
Center Trac
designed in: USA
manufactured in: ???
weight: 64.4g

the rings are polished. not steel.

to put the yoyo in perspective, the diameter is exactly the same as the YYF edge beyond and the width is exactly the same as the YYF butter.

and the weight is exactly where i like it

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interesting design, very weird specs, how the width is bigger than the diameter. Will probably make it underpowered, and maybe unstable?

could use a switch

you wouldnt believe how much of that weight is on the edge.


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did you mean a 47mm width and 55mm diameter?

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when you look at it from above, it appears as a very balanced design. which is what I tried to make.

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Butter is 46.5 not 47 FYI.

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I’m sorry, I rounded. It is spot on, I assure you.

Also I agree with Kyle i think you swapped width and diameter.


It’s the first serious design I made.

I tried to base it of if the edge beyond which is one of my favorite designs. A very competitive, yet equally fun yoyo.

If it’s not your kind of yoyo, maybe this is.

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Yeah so 47mm diameter would be smaller than an 888. So assuming you don’t want an extremely undersized yo yo then you switched your diameter and width

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Trying to gather the specs really quickly.

I wanted an extremely undersized yoyo. I love chopsticks tricks but I am absolute trash at them. I wanted a yoyo that would help me with that.

Silver yoyo specs.
Diameter: 2.2 in
Width: 1.84 in
Weight: 64.9

All other specs are the same as other.

I’m mostly doing this because I want to show off some of my original designs.

Maybe this will help

I made a bi-metal shutter

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I like width, therefore I like these designs, I think I would try all of them, but what about something like a bi-metal Atlas? I want to see what you come up with.

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