I am brand new to yoyos and tried to purchase all I would need to interchangeably use my unresponsive yoyo responsively as well, but ordered the wrong stuff. Yoyo tricks mentions double and triple looping the string to improve responsiveness, but in doing so my string is always to one side now… how can I get a bit of both worlds? I considered a seperate bearing using thick lube, but unsure if this is enough alone… i bought a 10 pack of kitty string FAT, and I accidently bought thin lube… any tips on how to get responsive play as I learn how to throw more straight? What im playing on is the new Silenus (PS I know my throw is part of it, but I swear that its off in some way) also when I try to learn to bind I notice that when I balance the yoyo on the string it also tries to do so while leaning to one side
While the Silenus is a great unresponsive yo-yo designed for modern string tricks, I am unfamiliar with people trying to make it responsive. Even with triple-wrapping and thick lubing a standard C-sized bearing I do not know if that would be enough to overcome the wide 4.5mm gap width. The only real way to make the Silenus responsive is with a thinner axle, half spec bearing, thick lube, and grippy pads.
If you add that all up, you might as well get a responsive plastic like a Duncan Butterfly XT or YYF Spinstar and keep the Silenus as your unresponsive yo-yo. That way you save yourself the trouble of having to work on your yo-yo when you’re new and now you have both a great responsive and unresponsive.
The tilting from the yo-yo is because string is rubbing up against your response pads and causing it to tilt. That usually happens when your throw is either crooked or you have too much string in the gap (most likely from triple-wrapping the axle and then trying to do a subsequent bind). Practice and getting the muscle memory for the motions will usually solve most tilting issues over time.
Well i started just a few months ago
Bought a replay pro and just learned unresponsive and now a while later im also learning responsive.
I did try to make unresponsive responsive but much like the cheap chinese yoyo i bought recently responsive 1 out of 4 times
So honestly i think you should just focus on unresponsive for the time and not try to make your yoyo responsive just in case you make a accidental mistake
So im trying to just keep at unresponsive, but when I try to mount it always leans… any tips on this? Even when yoyo is not in motion I saw a trick fpr getting half the yoyo wound up by pinching the string in the middle and putting the yoyo into a mount, but when I try that it doesnt sit balanced amd falls off… is the gap too wide and the yoyo too heavy?
I think the yoyo is probably fine, just keep practicing
Yoyos that are primarily meant to play unresponsive are designed specifically for that purpose.
Wiiiider gaps and the wall configuration… throw in a thinner string and don’t lube the bearings unresponsive.
Most single A yoyos are designed for unresponsive play.
Then you have the Deep State and the Walter and the EH yoyos, etc. They are specifically designed for single A responsive play.
Double looping or triple looping a yoyo is a poor substitute for just getting a responsive.
The yoyo you have is a very nice playing 1A yoyo.
But at the same time, it is easily the Wrong shape to adapt to responsive.
I have a Silenus. It is not meant to play responsive. I love my Silenus. Like others have said, it’s designed for unresponsive and triple looping the string will not allow it to play the way it was designed to play. It sounds like you need to practice throwing powerful, straight throws as well. Weak throws with low RPMs will end up with a yoyo tilting. Try to get a decent yoyo that is designed for responsive. It will say responsive right in the description. Thin lube is for wide bearings, thick lube is for thin responsive bearings. We’ve all been where you’re out with the same questions.
I’m going to address the questions about tilt as others have said a lot about responsive vs. unresponsive. When I was new, I had similar issues with my yoyo tilting when I threw a breakaway, landed in any mount, tried to do other tricks. Sadly, the answer wasn’t a problem with the yoyo, it was a lack of skill and muscle memory in me.
The yoyo will tilt when the string touches the wall of the yoyo. This could be due to turning your hand too soon after you threw the yoyo or because the strings are slightly out of alignment when you have the yoyo in a mount. Don’t feel bad, this is normal. Yoyo is a skill toy, the people who are making the tutorials have been yoyoing for years if not decades. The tag line at YoYo Expert is “make the simple amazing”. @AndreBoulay does that, and with practice, so will you. If I can learn to throw straight and move through combinations of tricks, anyone can.
My advice is practice and pay attention to what you are doing on all your throws. Try to repeat the good, try to understand what went wrong on tilty throws. To keep the string in line with the yoyo gap, I found for trapeze and double or nothing practicing with my elbows touching my body gave me enough extra sensory information so my hands would be aligned. Maybe this will help you, maybe it won’t.
OK, this has been a wall of words, but, try to remember, yoyo is a skill toy, playing it should be fun. There will be challenges, but, that is part of learning. Don’t decide on a pace you need to learn things as we all learn different things at different speed. Just enjoy the journey, this is a toy that you can enjoy your whole life.
Hey and welcome! I almost returned my Yomega Firestorm to the store when I started because I thought it was broken/too advanced for me when I couldn’t get it to come back up. I’m glad I kept it, and it’s no Silenus lol.
Having a Silenus to start with I bet would be a challenge, but also really awesome.
Triple-looping the string like you’ve shown should be enough for a bind, and should be enough for tug-responsive but I don’t own a Silenus to know. Vaseline or Chapstick works as thick lube. Your string looks pretty centered in the photo you provided. You could try triple-looping it and switch halves every time you loop it, centering the string? Try quad-looping it if 3x isn’t enough.
Also I find this 1-minute video very helpful for fixing a tilting yo-yo on the string:
Yes I believe that your throw greatly determines how much the yoyo tilts. Just keep practicing your throws and fixing the tilt on the string and you will get better. I also agree that you should get a responsive yoyo. I really like the YYF Velocity because you can change the gap width on it, but I have also heard that the YYF fast 201 and the YYF One are good too. Welcome to the forums!!! You got this!
I thank you all for helping a ton, with that said what is a great responsive yoyo with long sleep time?
I think the Velocity has good spin time. I also like the Dark magic 2. You can’t go wrong with Andre Bouley’s yoyo.
As noted above the tilt is primarily due to your throw. If it tilts to the right, on the next throw rotate your wrist a bit to the left and see if that fixes it. If not rotate a bit more on the next throw. If it’s too much relax the tilt a bit. Adjust as needed. Soon the correct position will come naturally.
Sleep time is entirely determined by your throw. I can get 3 minutes and then some out of just about any yoyo and that’s more than enough for any trick. I would say get a responsive throw with a relatively large gap since it makes adding layers easier. I’ve also found O-ring and starburst responses are more forgiving than pads but that may just be my opinion.