Need Help With Magic Drop

I feel like a bot. I’ve been yoyoing for over a year and just landed reverse Brent stole for the first time the other day, but I’m still struggling with magic drop. I can’t get the string to reject properly and I’ve tried everything. If you have any advice it would be greatly appreciated.


lower ur NTH


that way the yoyo goes further down and is more likely to reject the string


I find opening the NTH loop a bit helps as well… like your seperating the loop of the trapeze and you can aim to the front or back string on the drop.


Magic drop is hard to learn, try to more “float”the yoyo over your TH instead of swinging it over. If you swing it to hard the string won’t reject. I don’t do magic drop very often but I hope this helps!


Have you reached out to Paul Escolar? I think he’s here. Might help I don’t know.


I like to move my hands together (a little bit) when I do magic drop. If the string is too taut, the yoyo will tilt instead of reject.


I mean I can do it, it is just hard to learn at first.


Do you find the yoyo just kind of flopping over your throw hand?

This used to happen to me, but I came over it by emphasising the pointing gesture on my throw hand index finger. This makes your finger more tense and allows the string to reject over it. If your hand is relaxed or “soft” the yoyo will take the string with it and it won’t work.

If that makes sense and helps, good on you!

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Organic and rounded v-shaped yoyos make this much more effortless to pull off. I found that being gentle when swinging it around your “finger gun” helps. The angle of your “finger gun” helps with what string you land on… A Kamikaze needs to happen on the back string while some other tricks require landing on the front.

I used to struggle with this trick big time as I wanted to learn kamikaze. Magic drop was my instant roadblock.


This one enabled me to do it consistently, all the other tutorials, even those from otherwise great channels, didn’t quite.


Yes keeping the L vertical is important but there is one more point. The drop! The secret is partially in the name. The yoyo comes over the finger then drops! Try to slow the rotation of the yoyo as it comes over the finger so it actually feels like it drops. That’s how I got it.


Also try different yo-yos. Some are easier for some reason. Proabably the inner wall, don’t know. The tricky part for me was which string it rejects to. Have to remount sometimes, like part of the trick.

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Brandon Vu is great isn’t he?

I agree. Try floating it over your TH instead of forcing it over. It gives it more time to reject.

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I watched all the Magic Drop tutorial videos on Youtube, and the one I found the most useful is this one

Now I’m working on the “magic drop like” element at the beginning of Tsunami Bomb - I don’t manage yet, I find it harder.

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Rejection is hard to master at first :0 Practice and do adjustments to ur motion and you’ll get it!

Took me a while to do most rejection tricks even though I have rejection experience my whole life LOL :’) (jk)


Shockwave is a great repeater for getting in a lot of Magic Drop reps/attempts in a short period of time.