Hey, I was wondering if anyone could help me pick out a new yoyo, id be in intermediate to a1. Ive been looking at the pgm with stacks, and the dark magic. It would be great if you could tell me wich one you think is better etc. I would want an inresponsive yoyo thats $40ish at most and definitly butterfly shape, I would preferably like it to be metal but if its good and its not thats ok too.I would also like it to be a pretty good size witch is about the size of a legacy or a little smaller is ok but no smaller than the chain reactor. so tell me anything good. Thanks.
You could just stick with your Legacy. It’s a great yoyo.
You could get the PGM or the Dark Magic, both are great yoyos. I liked the PGM more than the Dark Magic, but that’s just me. It’s different for everyone. Both are similar in size, weight, and shape (kinda).
the legacy is my friends that hers lending to me
dark magic
why? Also if you have any suggestions I would like you to tell me how long it sleeps.
did you se andre using dark magic for all the tuts?
it thumbgrinds good too
The Legacy also thumb grinds well, as do many others.
It sounds like you like the Legacy, so why not get your own, or a Dark Magic if you feel like it?
actually i hate the legacy because at lest my friends dosent work well and I dont really want to take the chances of that happening to me
What doesn’t work on it?
well it only sleeps for about 25 secs untill it spins out, its responsive when it shouldnt be and when you throw it it goes lopsided
hey that dm vid was nice it would be great if someone could show me one like that for the gm… :
it sounds like you need to work on your throw and to make it unresponsive use thin grease
I have a good throw and I dont have thin grease, I’m just really not liking the legacy
It being responsive isn’t any error of yours, but it going lopsided is.
A few recommendations that I could make are:
Under $20
YYF DIE-NASTY super smooth, AWESOME value
YYJ Lyn Fury Hit or miss as far as responsiveness goes, but you can set it up either way yourself
Under $30ish
YYF Plastic Grind Machine v2 hubstacks are FUN
YYF Counter Attack truly a very impressive yo-yo
Also, YYJ Dark Magic
And also, it spinning out that soon is kind of your fault and kind of not. Work on getting a strong straight throw and that will help.
Jason, how do you get the links like that? I don’t know what the thing for it is.
[url=whatever the url is]Whatever you want the text to say[/url]
hmmmm ok I’m torn. I spoke to James!!! and he said its kind of overated he thinks and that I should go with the dark magic.
does anyone know if I could return one of the yoyos for the other one and it has no dings or scratches or anything.
You might be able to, but most likely you’ll just have to trade/sell it to somebody.
ok i gotta go with the pgm because i don’t have the money for dv888 but what color should get white or black and green. I think white but ii heard its a little disappointing.
As said times before, go with the color you like better. Some people love one color and some hate that same color.