It seems that you have a Kickside right now as your favorite yo-yo. Now, (this is for gm user) the Kickside is NOT a beginner yo-yo, however, many beginners use it as their first yo-yo. It looks like that was your first yo-yo (still assuming, tell me if I’m wrong) and you’re looking into getting another. So, you don’t have preferences yet. I myself would recommend either. The Hitman is probably closer to the shape of the Kickside, but the Dark Magic is a good shape so you can get used to it and be comfortable with more shapes. Hope this helped!
You need to change the pads after some months though. But that’s no big deal. The New Breed does not need any shimming because it has a monster gap. It is supposed to play great stock.
I would just stare at these options for a while. Then if you really can’t decide, just pick one. If you don’t like it you can trade. If you do like it, then YAY for you.
Gorilla, please don’t link to other sites when this site has the same thing. It’s a courtesy (sp) thing.
Do not buy a New Breed if you are still developing your skills. Although I love mine dearly and think it is a great player, it is not cut out for developing players like the Hitman, Dark Magic, or X-ConVict. Go for any of those, whichever is in stock, looks nicest, or is cheapest.
If you get the Hitman, get Dual O-Ring, not Hybrid. You’ll thank me later.
I’d say Legacy… Its half your budget and you might need to work on some binds because the Silicone response is nice and unresponsive right out of the box… Well mine was responsive for a few days but broke in rather fast…
You might not like it at first because of how responsive it is… I know I was like grrr… why wont it bind! But now that Im pushing the doors open on the expert section I love it sooo much more than my 40 dollar dark magic… You’ll be glad down the road…
Now sense this yoyo is half the price, if you buy it you can get string, and maybe synergy caps and even a counter weight set if you want… Or even a second yoyo!
I have a legacy but i really wanted a metal rimmed yoyo. Note i know how to bind and currently own a kickside and a legacy Here are some prefrences i like:
1)Heavy yoyo
2)Adjustable gap so i can play responsive and unresponsive so i can do the sidewinder.
3)i never played o-ring so i can’t judge it.
4)The size to me doesn’t really matter that much.
I was thinking of buying a new breed but i like doing the side winder so can fix the tension of the string so i really dont what to get because hopefully this will be last yoyo
Its not so much a rip off of an idea as a new standard… Really helps narrow the choices…
Alot of us use it now and I even have it saved in a note pad on my desktop for easy copy-and-paste acess… I think Samad probably gets a feeling of accomplishment every time he sees some one using his great guide…
its not the best thats just your opinion because some people like dark magic some like hitman and other like x-convicts and so on but what your saying is just your opinion