Need help picking a yo-yo for intermediate tricks :)

I’m debating between the YYF Replay - Responsive and Skyva (The thing that makes me nervous about the skyva is “advanced” is one of its tags)

Advanced just means unresponsive. So if you want to go with an unresponsive, don’t worry about the tag.

Sounds like your best bet is to go with Andy’s suggestion of the Replay, and to just go ahead and get the C bearing he recommended:

But there is this as well:

Comes with both a slim and regular C bearing. I haven’t tried one, but I’ve heard good things about it.

I think you might be thinking about this too much. Just pick one. Play with it. Before long youll want another one and another. But first you gotta start. So . . . . .start.

So many good yoyos…!!!

I bought the recess first base (I liked the colors better than the replay) and some polyester string. I wasn’t sure about what lube to get so I held off on it (I have 3 in 1 oil a home, which I guess will work).

I’m sure you’ll love it!

I’m not sure about using 3 in 1 Oil, as it’s petroleum based, and might melt polycarbonate. If you end up using the wider bearing for unresponsive, you probably won’t even need to use lube. The slim bearing shouldn’t need lube for a while at least either. Otherwise, buy a lube made for yoyos, or a synthetic one that’s safe for plastic. If you use 3 in 1, use it sparingly (not enough to seep out), and wipe it off the outside of the bearing. I guess someone will correct me if 3 in 1’s fine for polycarbonate.

Don’t forget about the resources here:,17792.0.html

Let us know how you like the First Base!

I got the yo-yo. At first it was very quiet but after 30 min- 1 hour it is now noisy. I unscrewed the yo-yo and I’m able to see the ball bearings. Is that normal? Other than the noise, I like the yo-yo. I’m working on drop in the bucket. It is frustrating me so far. When I get to the step where I pull the string with my index finger to form the bucket, I end up getting string burn across the back of my thumb. Also, I struggle with landing the yo-yo in the bucket (middle string). I often land on the string closest to me. Even when I do land the yo-yo in the bucket, I have trouble popping the yo-yo up in the air. Sometimes one of the other strings will get in the way (I figured out though that if I loosen the bucket and let the yo-yo drop more towards the ground, it’s easier to get the yo-yo in the air). There are times when the yo-yo will fly up but not return to my hand. I’ll keep practicing though.

I got the yo-yo. At first it was very quiet but after 30 min- 1 hour it is now noisy. I unscrewed the yo-yo and I’m able to see the ball bearings. Is that normal? Other than the noise, I like the yo-yo. I’m working on drop in the bucket. It is frustrating me so far. When I get to the step where I pull the string with my index finger to form the bucket, I end up getting string burn across the back of my thumb. Also, I struggle with landing the yo-yo in the bucket (middle string). I often land on the string closest to me. Even when I do land the yo-yo in the bucket, I have trouble popping the yo-yo up in the air. Sometimes one of the other strings will get in the way (I figured out though that if I loosen the bucket and let the yo-yo drop more towards the ground, it’s easier to get the yo-yo in the air). There are times when the yo-yo will fly up but not return to my hand. I’ll keep practicing though.
Sounds like me when I’m learning a trick! One thing that will keep the yoyo from being two load is trying to minimize taking it apart as much as possible. I had a Od benchmark that became very loud after i disassembled it thrice. I use a pencil to pick out knots whenever possible. Happy throwing🙂

Do you mean you’re using the narrow bearing, and you pop it up to get it to return, but it doesn’t catch? If yes, put a little lube in the bearing. That should quiet it down , too.

I guess it came without shields. Nothing to worry about.

Here’s a topic on “Drop in the Bucket”: I need help on drop in the bucket - Yo-Yo Tricks - YoYoExpert Forums You might want to post onto it, if it doesn’t give you what you need. Better to post in the trick section for help with tricks…

I used a Yomega Maverick for my entire intermediate session, and I still use it now. If you take great care of it, it could be an amazing yoyo for a great part of your life. :stuck_out_tongue: