Need help on making tricks

It’s funny, if you watch the A-RT guys close, you can see that a lot of the stuff they do is actually really simple. They just know the elements so well, that they can make a simple GT to trapeze to undermount look beautiful.

Granted, they have some serious technical abilities. But the key is knowing what you’re doing so well that you can start to play around with how you actually execute it. The only way to develope flow like theirs is with time, patience, and lots of practice.

Another tip: If those guys inspire you, watch their videos closely. If you see something that you think is right up your alley, study that portion of the video over and over and over again and then try to figure it out. You might have to keep coming back to it if you find it too frustrating to understand, but that’s okay.

You’ll get there if you just keep at it.

Here’s some of my favorite tricks as of recently:
Deep Magenta
Chuck’s double GT
Chedda cheese and guacamole
Thumb pluck tower