Need help choosing responsive throw. -merged-

Please don’t go defensive, I was just trying to help you.
The thing about responsive metals is that they hurt, badly. I really wouldn’t recommend playing with it around children.

Someone said above that the duncan magnetude comes stock responsive, so you might want to investigate.

If you want to make your metals responsive, add a drop of thick lube on the axle near the bearing seat on both sides.
The Walter uses a large bearing and requires constant lubing to play responsive.
I’ve read that some sealed teflon bearings play responsive without the need for lube, so if you could grab one of those (no idea where), you could make any of your throws responsive.
Responsive metals are a really small yoyo niche, that as far as I know, only Spencer Berry is exploring. He said on an interview that he has 2 more responsive throws in the pipeline, so you might want to inquire him.

I’m not trying to be but I never said I was into looping and have been asked to explain why I want metal repeatedly even though I’ve clearly stated why I want it since the opening post. I like metal, I want it for playing around but would like it to still perform.

Sorry about the “tone”. I’m not mad but just trying to find the correct throw.

Metal hurting worse than metal rimmed isn’t a concern. The dense ricochet wouldn’t fit this want though as you’re point would be very valid there. I hit my full grown wiemeraner in the face with a full throw and scared the crap out of me. Didnt phase him but don’t see how.

So lubing the seat will produce a different effect than the bearing? Ill try that as well and since I rarely throw responsive it won’t be that big of a deal to lube when needed.

I truly appreciate all the feedback just get frustrated when people don’t read before posting at times.

I did miss that.

I wouldn’t say it will make a lot of difference, as the lube just ends up getting everywhere, but the reason you would want to lube the axle/bearing sit instead of the bearing itself, is that the oil creates friction between the spinning yoyo and the bearing, so when the resistance of the stretched string goes away (by slack), the bearing starts to spin with the yoyo and it makes it catch on the response.

That looks nice!

there’s a mondial and moonstar on the bst right now which are responsive metal throws

The moonstar is more of a looper but the mondial is meant kinda for 1A play. It’s still not a top performer but it works like the cfgt