Need advise on a transition move

I am looking for some ideas to use as a transition to keep my yoyo flowing into the next trick.

With my limited trick bank, I usually finish a trick in a trapeze with my yoyo wanting to move around to a trap and his brother to keep things flowing and move on to another trick. All I have for this, other than stopping dead and reversing direction, is to do the trap and brother whip or a green triangle over my wrist. At that point I am in the same boat as before with the flow of my yoyo stopped.

What do you guys suggest for a trick or a transition from trap and brother, green triangle, or that weird position I am in after the trap & brother whip?


I like to finish some of my tricks/combos that land on a trapeze by going into the trapeze + bro…then doing a trapeze + bro whip and finishing it of with a few different things that use that mount.

This is the main trick I use (then end it with a sky bind):

If I have enough spin I might do one of these:


But mainly I just do the Gondola (the first trick I posted here). It’s really easy and I think it looks good…and it sets me up for a sky bind too (which is another thing I think looks really good).


Great stuff man. Definitely going to learn that Gondola trick. looks awesome.

then doing a trapeze + bro whip and finishing it of with a few different things that use that mount.

do you know off hand which tricks start with the trap&bro whip mount? would love to learn one or two of those.

I have been trying to land the Ninja Vanish from that position but have yet to master it. anything else I could do from there would be awesome.