Need a transition trick to chain combos

i’m trying to chain combos and i need a “second opinion”, the first trick ends up in a trapeze, and second trick starts from trapeze BUT with a string wrapped around my throw hand, i could just wrap the string around my throw hand, but it looked awkward. my first thought is to do a slackicide, then i got another idea, that was to do a chopstick mount from trapeze, get to a brother mount from there, then do brother slack, but this just ends up with a brother mount but with wrist wrap, anybody got a suggestion? either a trick from brother to trapeze mount, or alternative way is welcome

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Yo can you send a vid? Kinda hard to picture. Also I’ve been into around the world/ world trip for adding extra wraps. Very simple, doesn’t score, but looks cool and the openness of the trick adds a nice contrast to the density I’m sure is going to happen in the second combo. When used thoughtfully, it can add a really nice visual effect.

Here is an example from Yuta Kashiwayas worlds 2023 final where he uses it as a way to exit the zoning sequence.


how do i upload a video here?

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i’m probably lacking the street cred to post a video here, so here’s a link to the video, it’s unlisted, also no audio, so read the description as a subtitle🤣

that’s the description, i didn’t thought it wouldn’t pull you to youtube when played, doing an around the world wont flow nicely because i need it to go back to trapeze, it’s different direction swing


What’s the first trick? It looks like you filmed some options for adding the wrap and what you want the second trick to be - but what’s the first trick?

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With that wrist wrap you can do a magic drop so your string get free from your wrist.
You can also underpass the yoyo and let it go over your arm.
You can keep it there but send the trapeze over your wrist and you have a slack ready.

I will not do a suicide from there it kind of break the flow, I will keep playing with the string.

There are honestly infinite way to keep going from there, is quite a common position.

I agree with @digitalcharlie that is not very clear from when you coming from, if it’s the first trick I will not even go to the trapeze, you pass from a dense part to a very open one mmmh is not on my taste


Wouldn’t the standard magic drop add the wrap the other way? Also you gotta like set up the string before you magic drop anyways which I think is OPs issue. But yeah I agree that there are infinite way they could add the wrap they want.

You can add that wrap coming out of the last trick as you land into the trapeze so it is ready right away. It takes like .3 seconds to swoop the hand under the string like, it doesn’t have to be a big awkward thing. Ppl do it that way all the time. You can also like add a pinwheel before you hit the trapeze and set it up then. Or land the trapeze and do like an inside or outside summersault and sneak it in then or like idk. I’m still having a hard time picturing what you’re trying to do. Maybe post a vid of both combos you want to add together.


So basically you can make it happen the magic drop with your arm and just rotating the hand a bit (I really think those things need a video :joy: ) he seems in a bit of a bad position but if you rotate outside palm out your hand that string become basically an arm trick where it is possible to do a magic drop (it will be on my next week combo of the week, next week or in 2 weeks), I do a passage exactly like that.

I think I need the first part of the trick done a bit more clearer to try to give some advice because I did not really get how he end up in that trapeze, if it were me for my style I will try to keep the combo tighter or find a sort of little loose string to slack somewhere we really need a better video!


this is the first trick i really like the way you go to trapeze in the end because it feels really good, the yoyo just glides up the string after you unmount the knot, i will try to post a better angle of the video

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i wrote the details in the description

the first one is simple you just do a double mount on the brother and drop it, the second one is to do a “kwijibo like?” element and do a circle around the yoyo to get to the trapeze, i’m not sure how to explain this better

sorry for the string visibility