My favorite #trickcircle rn. Can't get enough of this flow

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Excellent! Can you break down how to do this as a trick, like step by step?

Throw a breakaway and land in a trapeze.

Roll the trapeze mount over your throw hand index and land on top of all the strings.

Send the yoyo back over your throw hand keep the momentum and do one of those Matrix type loops.

As you come out of that Loop, send the yoyo around your non Servo hand pointer again to lend in a double wrapped trapeze.

Let the yoyo twist Around Your Finger twice as you exit the trapeze land in an undermount.

Do that little undermount exit- basically pass your throw hand over and around the yoyo as it swings towards your throw hand.

Keep that momentum as the yoyo starts to swing around and land in a 1.5.

Cross your arms and pop the yoyo off of the 1.5, and as it comes around uncross your arms and land back in a trapeze.

Get into a basic Chopstick mount.

Insert your throw hand index in between the chopsticks and roll the yoyo over your throw hand index and underneath your non throw hand thumb twice.

Drop all of the strings off of your non throw hand, and you’re basically in a 1.5.

And I explained the rest of the trick in the comments of this video.

That last Chopstick portion sounds kind of complicated, but once you do it a few times it should make sense. Just go hard and commit because you’re going to have a lot of strings in the gap. The faster/cleaner you can get through that part better.

Hope this helps