need a metal yo fo my style

looks great thanks!
any videos that have it in it btw?

also can i get a confermation that flowable silicone does not need to be replaced

Flowable silicone always needs to be replaced eventually. If you want a metal with an O-Ring, chances are you’re not going to find one. However, some BBYY’s fit O-Rings.

Anyway, some of this video has a Dv888:

poop…fine i’ll get a 3B (Big brother bully)

Before I read that you were considering a Bully, I was actually about to recommend one. I love mine, and you never hear complaints about them. Big Brother Yo-Yo’s makes amazing products, I’m sure you’d love it! :slight_smile:

Get a Wedgie!

I just got mine today, it came stock with flowable silicone, completely unresponsive with tight binds!

It’s my favorite yo-yo, hands down. Seriously, it’s amazing. It fits in my hand PERFECTLY. It’s so smooth that if the bearing didn’t make noise I would seriously debate whether or not it was spinning.

I got a Bully also, and it doesn’t fit well in my hand, because I have very small hands. I like it, but it doesn’t fit in my hand well. But I know somebody who has very big hands and LOVES it, so if you have big hands, you could think about the Bully.

how big is big and how small is small… :-\

whats the difference between the two anway besides size, is shape different, wedgie sounds like it would have a…wedgie shape, which sounds kinda bad…

The site that sells it is, and you could just look at the specs and kind of ruler it out. (Compass + Ruler= good) Anyways, what I did was divide the diameter of the yoyo by 2, set my compass to that number, and then made the circle to see what it was kind of like. And I used a ruler to roughly draw out the width and diameter for a side view.

Bully:53.35mm diameter
41.5mm wide
67.9 grams
4.5mm gap

Wedgie: 50mm diameter
39mm wide
66.5 grams
4mm gap

As you can see, bully is 3 mm larger in diameter, 2.5 mm wider, 1.4 grams heavier, and has a half a millimeter gap larger.

For good pictures, I would use yoyo skills, Dr. Yoyo always has several pictures showing comparison with other yoyos, each yoyos side/front views, very good pics.


Bully has a rim that curves down into the gap, while the wedgie has no spikes, and it does not curve down to the gap, it has a series of flat cuts that goes into it.