Frantic or Dark Magic

It’s my birthday soon and my mom said she would get me a new yoyo for it and she said she would be willing to buy me a yoyo up to $70. I have been only yoyoing for about 1 1/2 months so I’m not the best yoyoer but I have binding down fairly well. I know the DM would be easier to learn on but I also want a metal yoyo. Would the Frantic(or M1, the other metal I’m considering) or DM be better for learning(I’m currently on advance on the website)? I appreciate your help.

I would have to say Frantic, simply because it is an all metal. However, it depends on personal preference. Answer these questions for us to help you out better:

  1. What size do you prefer? (Big, small, medium, etc)
  2. What shape do you prefer? (Be specific: Round Butterfly, Flat Rims, pointy shape, H-Shape)
  3. What response do you prefer? (Silicone, O-Ring, Hybrid, Pad, etc)
  4. Do you like to mod/maintain it?
  5. What weight is ideal to you?
  6. Does color matter?
  7. How does your style relate to the yoyo? (What kind of tricks do you like to do? Fast? Technical? Smooth? Slacks?)
  8. What is your price range?
  9. What is your skill level?

I only have a Journey so I don’t have a lot reference to go by so I’ll try my best

  1. What size do you prefer? Preferably about the size of the Journey but I’ll try any size
  2. What shape do you prefer? I don’t have a favorite since i only have 1 yoyo (journey)
  3. What response do you prefer? I don’t have a favorite since i only have 1 yoyo so I don’t know what the others are like
  4. Do you like to mod/maintain it? Maintain
  5. What weight is ideal to you? around 65-70grams
  6. Does color matter? no
  7. How does your style relate to the yoyo? (What kind of tricks do you like to do? Fast? Technical? Smooth? Slacks?) smooth
  8. What is your price range? up to 70$
  9. What is your skill level? advanced


A Dark Magic would probably be eaiser to learn with. But it is a little heavier than you’d prefer. The Frantic is an amazing player but it fqairly advanced and is an all metal so it may have better performance.

But the Dark Magic fits more of your preferences, the main thing is the shape, the Frantic has a very Unique shape so I don’t think it would be good for a newer thrower.

I would go with Frantic and take a chance.

If you do go with the Dark Magic I’d advise getting some different lubes and accessories to see what you like.

I would say frantic but I’ve heard it’s not as stable as other metals.