Name your most precious yoyo!

My most precious yoyo is a yoyo apartment 1937 v2 and was actually stolen along with my bag on a train two years ago. It was given to me by a friend who soon after passed away.
So it has/had a lot of sentimental value to me. I very recently found another yoyo of the same model after many years of searching as these things are pretty rare (i know he couldnt have bought me a shutter right haha). So super happy to have another yoyo the same but always on the look out for my original it has a big flat spot where it hit the concrete so you cant miss it really…should anyone catch one up for sale :wink:


My most loved yoyo? That a hard pick
It probably has to be these 4. The Duncan ballistic my dad gave me when I was 5, The Black Knight I bought of eBay “it was once owned by John Narum”, the Dark Magic was my first YYJ, and my Steve brown edition freehand 2.


A yoyo with some personal history to it imo is deffinitely something worth hanging on to. I dont have anything yet that was crazy hard to find or rare. But my throws that were gifts from family other than my cossus IV from my wife absolutely have lots of value to me that I wouldnt want to trade for anything. My sister got me a TiVayder for my birthday and Im probably gonna hang on to that until im in a nursing home


Ya I agree! I’m never selling or trading any of these! They mean a lot to me!


i could never sell my Borealis 2


That is pretty!


Wow that looks nice and also how is it compared to the clyw boy.


haven’t thrown the boy so im not sure

I have a couple or 3 - Anti-Yo Fluchs, and HSPIN Black Lily (G&E 4).
(And of course my Hitman assortment.)


May not be the most played with yoyo now but I have a soft spot for my RecRev Fig. 4. It was my first “higher end of the spectrum” yoyo and I learned a lot on it.

Another yoyo that I recently acquired that’s becoming a favorite of mine is the Turning Point Diamond Virgin. I’ve played it past the initial “OMG NEWNESS hype” and finding it to be a blast. I’ve always enjoyed undersized/2010-sized yoyos. The smaller size (without being too small) takes me back to those days when I first picked back up modern 1A).

Lastly, my iYoyo Firrox (pictured in avatar). I haven’t played it in a while but it got me through a very rough 2016…from stressful job situation to death of a pet and family member days apart. This throw has also been through a lot with learning a bunch of tricks.


Precious meaning sentimental — this Kuntosh marks a genuine act of kindness; one that I’ll never forget:

(And I have this nagging feeling that I’ll roll my eyes at this next one in a year or so, but I CAN’T EVEN RN omggg ((translate that as: honeymoon phase)))

Precious meaning tagged and bagged white whale — Quail:


I’m torn between “Steve” and “Yojimbo”. I think Steve. I’ll call it Steve.

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I have both and they both great, my boy is my go to throw usually tho when I want to pick something up, borealis I like more for practice tho


@FrankieJR great idea for a thread.
I have been throwing for over 20 years. I have a few “priceless” throws.
My Cold Fusion is precious cause of the insane road trip i took to get it. it was my first high end yoyo and i loved the bummble bee so chiropractic finals be dammed i drive 6 hours and back the next day… but i was throwing brain twister before my finals…
My Hitman my first mod, i put a concave bearing in it…my parents thought i was nuts putting a$30 bearing in a yoyo… but that became my EDC for the next 15 yrs.

My Halo cause it was a gift from my friend who introduced me to yoyo, and also a gift for my 40th.

And then there are the yoyos my brother has given me over the years… my brother is my best friend and is my pleasure ti share hobbies with him. He has introduced me to so many hobbies, drawing, pottery, mountain biking… in honors to have introduced him to throwing. As my brother always has he took me to the next level.
Shutter, shutter wide, Pragma, Higby 888, Alleycat (we have a half swap each), PLSTC half swap together…
My brother is also responsible for my Conspiracy, Banshee SS, Ti vader (black), and our custom MKFD…


my butter


anybody know if a grashopper gtx will vibe? anyone know how many times I can slam it on concrete before it starts to vibe?

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my does not vibe and I have hit a few times on my wooden floors and it still does not have vibe

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will you show me ding picture? plz!

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did you buy it direct from duncan or through someplace else?

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I’ve started to learn yoyo a few times over the years, and by years I mean the past 55 of them, but I never knew anyone who threw and had no one to teach me tricks or keep me interested. About a year ago I decided to give it another try and make it one of many retirement hobbies. I read a few things on line and ordered three beginner yoyos and started watching videos to learn tricks. I quickly became frustrated because I could do rock the baby, but it would not spin long enough for me to do the trick and get a return. I was on the virge of quitting but got on the forum and asked for suggestions. Along with suggestions to clean the bearings, oil, and other maintenance that was above my newbie head a couple of people suggested the One Drop Deep State for longer spin time. It was hard to imagin spending $50 on a yoyo. FIFTY DOLLARS for a yoyo? It was either quit, or go for it, and I went for it. Received my Deep State and it put me over the hump. I could complete tricks and still have enough spin to get a return. Ten months later my throw is getting better and I can do tricks with some of the cheap yoyos, but the Deep State is the one that kept me in the game. I don’t use it as much now, but I will never get rid of it.