I love this community

Omg I love the yoing community so much. You guys are so awesome!

I don’t know what’s going on…is it karma? Whatever it is, people have been super freaking good to me over the last couple of months since I jumped back into yoing. (I use to be a regular at theyo.com in the early/mid 2000’s).

It all started when I watched a video review of the One Drop Deep State, and the guy had a green/black half-swap and I immediately fell in love with the yo. It was just about the coolest looking yo-yo I’d ever seen! Second only to the Duncan/Proyo Cold Fusion.
I was so sad to see that there was no where to purchase the green.
So I joined a facebook group. Within an hour I found a guy selling one in my green. Not only that but it was mint with the box and he was only asking for the retail price +shipping. I was prepared to spend more seeing as the color was no longer available. And he shipped it out quick and payed a ton on the shipping to insure it and everything…and it was in absolute PERFECT condition.
I then bought a black here on yoyoexpert with some green & black energy side effects…and I had 2 of my dream yo-yos!
But since I had a spare green and black half…I decided I needed a third Deep State so I could have 3 cool half swaps. I was thinking about picking up a red because red/black is always awesome…and red/green would be fun as I love Christmas lmao.
But then I really started to think it over…and I LOVE the whole orange/black color combo…plus orange was my mom’s favorite color. My mom was absolutely my best friend in life…she passed away 2 years ago this month.
So I thought…how amazing would it be to have an orange & green halfswap to represent the close relationship we had with each other? Cooler still would be to use red side effects…because my dad’s favorite color is red.

A random guy on reddit sent me a message saying he was touched by my story with my mom…and that he had a mint (again with box) orange Deep State he’d love to sell me.
For $25 shipped.
Omg…I could almost cry! lol >.<’
I’d seen images of the orange online…but my goodness it’s stunning in person!
He was pretty much giving me the yo at that price. I found out later that he’s actually a super bad-a** yoer and my orange Deep State had starred in a couple of his awesome videos haha.

And oh my GOD! The orange/green is unbelievable! It completely blew all my expectations out of the water and instantly became absolutely, without question, the single coolest yo-yo I’ve ever seen! Oh man I can’t believe I own this thing!

But I still needed some red side effects.
That’s when a cool dude from these forums at yoyoexpert sent me a message. He was touched by my story of my mom too, and he had some red flats. He’d be happy to send them to me. Free! I offered to trade him some of my spare side effects, but no…he just wanted to help out and be nice!
Just received them today in the mail!

Also yet another guy here on the yoyoexpert forums got in contact with me and told me that he makes custom wooden stands…specifically made for Deep States. He’d be happy to make me one if I’d like.
I asked how much he’d like for one…and no…yet again, he just wanted to be nice and to help out!
omg guys! :*)
He sent me 3 of them, and oh wow! They are so nice and sturdy and fit my Deep States like a well worn glove!
He even included one with “Love You Mom” etched into it the front of it. <3
I just received these in the mail today too.

…And there’s also a yo-yo I saw an image of a couple of months ago as I was just jumping back in…that I knew I was going to HAVE to have at some point. Only it was out of stock everywhere.
It was the Chrismas Themed Magicyoyo N12 Shark. OMG! haha I LOVE that thing! I love Christmas (still have tons of decorations up! lmao).
Today a super cool guy here on these forums sent me a message to let me know he had several of them and he’d be happy to send me one…brand new…for super cheap. I paid $15 which just blows my mind…and he’s already got it out in the mail!

Guys…I mean really…from the bottom of my heart…
Thank You!

I feel so freaking fortunate that so many have been so awesome to me these last couple of months. I’ve gotten some of my dream throws and have met so many awesome people.

I love this community.




Once you throw you are part of the tribe. It never ceases to amaze me the generosity and kindness of the yo-yo community. Thanks for sharing! :heart: