My yoyo keeps tilting when i throw a trapeze and when i throw it forward style

Ill admit, my throw isn’t really straight so do you guys have any advice on how to straighten my throws?


Check your string tension.

With the String all the way out of the yoyo, Bring Yoyo to your throw finger with string hanging. If the string coils up, that can be part of the leaning issue.

Take string off finger, let string hang and untwist. Rewind yoyo (string off finger). Loop string on finger and try.

There are tricks later on where you can adjust string tension, but this is the basics and will get you moving in the right direction.

Keep practicing your throw. Bad throw, bring it back and try again.

Good Luck


Practice is the only way my friend.


The angle you release the yo-yo is the angle it will be. I personally hold my yo-yo like a gun/5a hold even with 1a strung for front style.

Sideways I think it’s easier to think of it like letting go and “pulling” the yo-yo around for the breakaway and I just let go of it initially from my hand on the angle I want.

Just my 2¢ hope it helps and enjoy the process!


okay thank you!


Pay attention to where your throw arm is twisting when you throw your breakaway. I noticed that my breakaways got much straighter when I practiced throwing by keeping my hand in about the same location and using a twist of the wrist to throw the breakaway instead of describing an arc with my hand.

You will get more power by describing the arc but that can come later, after you get the throw nice and straight. At least that’s how it worked out for me.

If my description of the motions doesn’t make any sense just let me know and I’ll shoot a quick vid for ya!



You’ll get there. It takes only time. But rest assured everyone started bad. Except maybe Takeshi. Or Bride. Anyway, you’ll get there.


This actually helped me a lot. I have been sloppy and correcting my tilt regularly my whole life.


Hey…I was gonna post this lol. Anytime someone has trouble with tilt, I refer them to this video. Total game changer.

Also, learning how to correct tilt mid-trick should become second nature over time. It just takes plenty of practice and time to get there.


what about frontstyle since my string tilts on my yoyo?

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what do you mean by twisting the wrist?

I have no idea! Honestly frontstyle still eludes me mostly. Even though I started the playlist thread for it :sweat_smile:

Sorry, but whoever gave the “practice” answer is correct. If the yoyo is tilted to the right, be more aware when releasing it so that you tilt it slightly more left. Sometimes you can adjust the motion of your wrist, sometimes it’s just a matter of re-orienting the yoyo to a different position in your hand before you throw it. The video @adamantiumpops posted is the correct way to throw a breakaway, but it won’t completely eliminate tilted throws. Getting a straight throw is really just one of things you have to grind out on your own once you learn the basics. Everyone has their own subtle but different nuances with the way they throw


when i switched my yoyo bearing my yoyo becam more straight. Can the bearing be apart of the problem?

:100: :100: :100:


i don’t even throw breakaways most of the time for string tricks, i throw hard forward passes into sidestyle because i found it easier to control the tilt that way. usually i do breakaways for 0a stuff that doesn’t require power, just no tilt.

No. A tilted yoyo comes from a bad throw. It leaves your hand at a wonky angle and it stays that way.
If you’re talking about having a straight throw to begin with, but then the yoyo begins to slowly spin on a vertical axis, then yes that can be the bearing. If this isn’t what you’re talking about, just ignore it because it’s a different issue that you don’t need to worry about for now.

I think the big beginner mistake with breakaways it that people will try to grip the yoyo like they’re going to throw a straight sleeper. That’s what they usually learn first, so they try to transition that to a breakaway. That’s what leads to that horizontal-upper-arm throw in the Brandon Vu video. I know he mentions releasing early and using the slack to swing the yoyo, but I don’t remember if he talks about the grip (haven’t watched it in a long time) and how a different grip from a front style can make things easier. Sometimes I’ll hold the yoyo almost sideways