My Yo is banged up. Is it fixable?

Hey all 8),

Many of you have more experience than I do about this I’m sure, but I bought me a ILYY Mary 09 during the middle of the summer, and fell in love with it… But, I was playing with it over cement shortly after, then the string BROKE, rolling on the cement and banging pretty hard! >:( It is still functional, but still bothers me because it is one of my favs and would love to hear from any of you if you have a solution for me!! Ideally I would love to fix it if it’s possible and have it to its “original” look!

not sure but i think you can send it to the company and get it renued or something.gonna cost you some money though.

Im sorry to hear that.

Well, i think its kinda hard to have the original look back, but to remove the mark, you can satinize the yoyo using sand paper, and thats what make “having the original look back” difficult, because satinizing also remove the anno and the candyblast finish.

this is really sad

Here is what I would do. I would take some 200 grit sand paper and lightly sand the rough edges off. Don’t sand too much. If you do it will unbalance the yoyo. Now go have fun with a yoyo that won’t cut you when you throw.

looks good! i much prefer a yo-yo that can prove it’s been played. too me it’s the opposite of sad.
sad, to me, is being a slave to your possessions and feeling compelled to keep them all in like-new condition.

agreed on the sandpaper, and i wouldn’t even fuss much about taking too much off. just make it even enough to be reasonably comfortable. keep playing that sucker. kudos!

“I don’t feel like my yo-yos have been officially used until I’ve had to file a burr out of the rims.”
-steve brown


Congratulations, irdaprez, your yo-yo just earned its first Purple Heart.

Use rough sandpaper to make it comfortable on your skin, by no means remove the awesome battle scars. One of my M1’s have a silver stripe on the rim while spinning… pretty awesome.

Not only does your yoyo have battle wounds but also a story…

Love it the way it is… Dont make Mary change who she is for your own greedy desires!!!

if you really don’t like the look of it you could always take two markers that are the same colors as the yoyo and kind of color them in. :slight_smile:

I did this once and it worked fine :wink:

really??? keep it the way it is every one of my yos have at least one ding on some worse than yours…and i dont WANT to fix them they are great the way they are and plus it gives the a personality of its own it tells others that try yours “i have been played and loved” so before you change it to its “original” look think about it

Hahaha you all do have a point. It is one of my favs because of the way it plays not just the look :wink: but yea I will try the sandpaper idea so that it doesnt cause monster divots in my hand. Thanks all for your replies, and I will be sure to tell Mary she won a purple heart :wink:

Don’t do anything. If you play with it enough, the dings you can feel will wear down.

Half my metals haveeither been dropped, walked the dog with, or have the string break on over comcrete.

ha super duper lol