scratched yoyo

how do I fix my scratched yoyo? it rolled into a desk 3 times before I could even catch it. >:( :’(

You don’t.

Move away from the desk. Use fresh strings. Keep throwing.

Scratches and dings are forever. Unless you use something to grind or polish them out, then they aren’t going anywhere.


The longer you yoyo, the less you’ll care about dings and scratches and such. If you get a deep gash that’s sharp, you’ll want to sand it down a little so that you don’t cut your hand. I use a metal file for that. The only damage I care about is the kind that destroys a yoyo - if you play long enough, you’ll get to experience that snapped string that results in your yoyo flying into a street and being run over by a car. :wink:


Having said that(string snapping). I got a new Agape that was bead blasted. Amazing throw BTW. I needed to rub down the bearing recess so as to stop it from eating strings. 3 tosses and it was flying across the room and bashing into a door. After the denim rub down, it’s now completely string friendly.

Oh, and no ding. Got lucky!

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the string didn’t snap though. I was trying to untwist the string but it was going so fast that the yoyo spun out of the loop.

A scratch is a scratch, it doesn’t matter how it happened.

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I know how to fix it. Ding it all up. You’ll never notice the scratch

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If you polish it its less noticable? You can’t really fix it. Beat yoyos have character. That’s what matters.

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