My Sochi fat is super thin is this normal?

I bought some white sochi fat and I really like the feel, but I cant get over how thin it is. When I bind it’s super slippery and just bad. Just for reference I mostly use alpha line.


OnOn the left is sochi fat, alphaline on the right. Should be close to the same size


Yeah it’s very strange. Could the color have something to do with it?

I don’t think so. They have a standard to stick to. If its labeled fat it should be just like the other fat string colors. On the color note it can change the way it feels but not size. Where did you buy the string from?

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I got it from

Mistake #1 smh :dizzy_face: just kidding I’m sure “they” would fix the issue if you contact them.

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I got Sochi normal in a few different colors and the white does feel slightly thinner than the others.


White plays just a tiny bit thinner than dyed string, if the string is otherwise identical


Yeah, I’ve also noticed this recently. Bought some Sochi Fat (yellow) and it def feels ‘thinner’ than other ‘fat’ strings I’ve purchased. Also bought some Sochi Fat in orange a while back, and it felt much thicker … I assumed they just tweaked the design / formula when manufacturing their bulk strings. :man_shrugging:


I noticed this too when I got a few different colors of their normal strings. The orange is my favorite of that thickness because it seems to be slightly softer and thicker than the green, red, and white and seemed to have better consistency in quality. White feels slightly thinner and the red and green are in the middle for thickness but they all feel a little rougher and have less consistency in quality.

The fat yellow is my favorite overall because it has consistent quality, just the right thickness for my favorite throws, and a feel that isn’t too rough or too soft. Also, being “fat”, it tends to last a little longer than the normal ones.

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