Same string, different color, different feel?

So I’ve noticed something. And I wanted to post about it to make sure I’m not trippin. With some string, different colors play different. For example, I went through an entire pack of 100 yellow OT regular and then got another pack but in white and it feels less soft, not as bouncy and more rigid. I even found an old yellow that was brand new and tried them back to back and there is a noticeable difference. Is it the dye? Or am I trippin. I don’t think I am. Anyone?


This is real. I thought it wasn’t when I first heard that but nah it’s real. Dying is a chemical process and does like magic chemistry to the strings. Idk how it works. I’m in the arts : ) but yeah lol this is a real thing. You’re not tripping lol.


even if you had a typo you wouldn’t be wrong :person_shrugging:


I do feel that yellow felt a little more rough than hot pink in Kitty String.


I am so glad you made this post. I been curious how OT yellow fat is compared to OT white Fat. I only have white and it’s decent but I was wondering if the yellow was better. OT doesn’t seem to hold up well compared to some other bulk strings I have played and I was curious if it’s the white or if the yellow breaks down similar. It seems like as the strings reach a few days of solid play that binds slip this weird way against the response pads.


As a person who makes their own string. The same brand, style and weight of thread, but different colors have vastly different feels when spun. I can adjust on my individual level, but I imagine mass production doesn’t allow for those minute tweaks.


i just thought it was a placebo


Somebody made a post about this awhile back and someone commented how their wife was in a profession I forget what it was but she told him that yes, different dyes are made up of different chemicals because each pigment is derived from a totally different source, so these ingredients naturally will all interact with the material in a slightly different way leading to different play feel characteristics

Or something like that, don’t quote me


I remember reading this same thing. And it makes sense to me.


Thanks for all the responses fam🫡 I knew I wasn’t trippin😭 now I j need to find some yellow OT string


I been mostly using OT white fat and Yoyostringlab lab ka-pow. I think after coming to the conclusion that the yoyostring lab ka-pow lasts way longer than OT that it’s worth the extra money. I just washed the ka-pow yesterday and it’s still holding up great in the time I’ve went threw at least a few OT. I still really like how OT plays when it’s brand new though I like the Kapow the most.


I love the first few hours of OT play but I trash em after that. They suuuuck w string tension ngl. Been mostly using Sochi pheonix and they’re super nice but not great for every throw

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I pretty much use slick 8 blue and slick 6 white at this point but at one time used various colors of 100% cotton string. Different colors felt different and had varying life expectancies. So yes, the dye makes a difference.


100% there is a different, I really noticed it in Kitty string First class Fat, I do love the yellow but the I do not like at all the green, feels like so much more coarse and tight.
I usually use only neon yellow string because I noticed some similarities between brands, the softness in the hand is one of those characteristics.

I will be curious to try nice white strings, I do like them but I didn’t found any decent one


I agree with the yellow thing, they feel similar and I also agree w the softness. I love white strings because let’s face it, yellow doesn’t look great on every color yoyo. But I’ve found that I don’t like the white versions of any of my preferred brands. Now I only try to go for clear or raw colors because man oh man nothing better than a yellow string on a clear yoyo. Pink and orange look magnificent as well. Any color actually lol

I believe that is why @theendofcake mentions the color of the string in her review thread, it definitely makes a difference, sometimes a big difference in my experience, however, whether that difference is a good or bad thing is pretty subjective.

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