My M1 is responsive when i ordered it unresponsive. What should I do?

please post things i can do to make it unresponsice

It is a 10ball bearing so you will need some time to break it in. This can take up to three weeks. The second option is cleaning it with Mineral Sprits and put a drop of lube in it. Those are the best ways IMO, what response did you get?

Did you take out the friction stickers?

Break in the bearing…

Break it in, and then, it’ll be the best you have ever played with.

ok brake in the bearing and buy thin .555 one drop pads for your M1 and it will be unresponsive.

I suggest just breaking it in. You really don’t need the new pads, so just play with it a lot.

Thanks guys ill look for mineral spirits, ill try to brake it in before i use the spirits. Ill also try to order some new response pads just for any other yoyo that i want to put them on

I believe you can also clean it with water. It won’t remove all of the lube, so it will just shorten the break-in time a bit.


water means rust which means broken bearing… dont do it!

clean with mineral spirits :wink:

Don’t bother cleaning it, just play with it and it will be broken in.

Actually, you are wrong.

You can clean 10balls in water without being afraid for it to rust. The 10ball is made of stainless steel, so it wont rust.

Not necessarily. They are resistant to rusting, but that doesn’t mean they can’t. There’s just less of a chance.

my m1 took about 1.5 months so it might take a while

that could happen

Yeah. Once again, it could vary depending on how much you play.

I play a maybe 6-10 hours on weekdays and at least 10 on weekends

I was talking to the OP

Da5id from onedrop guaranteed that it wont rust and I believe he said that if it does by some weird reason rust they will replace the bearing- dont quote me on that though

Actually, you are wrong.

You can clean 10balls in water without being afraid for it to rust. The 10ball is made of stainless steel, so it wont rust.
Oh i didn tknow that…learn something new everyday… :-\ thanks for the info samad