My Issue With G2

I really didn’t want to make this post but the lack of customer service and the month it took to get a response in the first place was extremely frustrating.

G2 Jake opened the pre order for the Ti Pelican a few months ago but nowhere in the email did it say there were no refunds. My intentions were not to get a refund from the start, but since my first deposit, my financial situation changed. As shown below, I reached out to them a MONTH ago and didn’t get a response. I messaged them again and got this brushed off apology. I have never been treated like this by a business/business owner. There was no upfront refund policy, and I am to understand from this that he will not honor a refund, but will still keep the yoyo, potentially sell it, then keep the deposit. There has been no attempt to fix the situation or compromise on their end. My only mistake is that I paid Paypal Friends and Family because I trusted Jake. The whole point of making this public is not to smear (they can damage their reputation on their own), but to make this known so people can be mindful of what goes on in private. I don’t think this is okay, I think business owners should treat their customers better. I would think a way to move on in the future is to state no refunds upfront, and then when faced with this situation is to try to resolve the situation instead of brushing someone off and ghosting them and basically saying you are out of luck when there was no refund policy in place, especially when you still have the yoyo to sell and will still profit from this.

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I am not familiar with G2, I think there are mistakes from both parts in this situation.
Something I will do immediately is to take down the screens you posted here since it is private corrispondence and it is illegal to make them public without the consent of the other person (you can publish only your portion).

I hope you will be able to sell the yoyo once you receive it, will be not too difficult for sure


Jake certainly should include information on refunds in the future, but preorders in niche hobbies are usually no-refunds. Your (not you specifically, the general you who supports niche preorders like this) deposit is the capital that allows the project to even get funded. Jake is a one man band, and doesn’t have unlimited capital or credit to make new yoyos. I’m really sorry you’re feeling this way, but you should have an easy time selling the Ti Peli. Pretty sure there are people on the discord who want one still


I’ve lost my job since my first deposit. As I stated in the message with him, I won’t be paying the other half of the deposit. I don’t need the pre order model explained, I know how it works. This is more of how I got brushed off and ghosted for a month and basically got told I am out of luck instead of trying to find SOME sort of compromise or resolution.

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Bran idk how work in USA but I knew the “no refunds” policy is illegal (at least in Uk and Italy)


To me it’s implying you can sell your spot to someone else, so your free to pursue another buyer for your preorder ti pelican, maybe ask around and see if anyone would like to purchase your spot from you for the price you already paid, you get your money back and that person can pay the remaining balance and get the ti pelican.

Truly sorry to hear about the tough times hope things turn around for you and everything works out


Not required in the US, this also isnt a finished good. Its a preorder. Is that different in eu?


I appreciate the good luck. Its not anyones fault I lost my job, it wasnt really the point, just the catalyst behind the situation for me. I just dont think the being brushed off and keeping the deposit even if they sell it to someone else is a way to treat people or is a good look. Thats it.

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Thanks for the explanation.

@ConnorWilkerson mate if you can try to sell your spot, i think it is the only way, i am very sorry to hear about your situation


I’d go back and double check that it’s not stated anywhere that there was a No Refund policy. If it’s not clearly stated that the preorder tiPelican had a no refund policy, then a refund should be given if asked. It’s just good business. If it’s not stated, then that’s on G2 and they learn from it and make that known, clearly, with every future preorder. That is just business, things have to be stated.


I posted a screenshot of the preorder email that he sent out and it doesnt state that on any of the prices or anything

In no way am I trying to pick a side or legitimize any claims on either side. But there may be an alternative as there usually is. Perhaps someone on this forum may like to have the opportunity to purchase your preorder. They could send you a payment covering your deposit and then @G2_Jake could transfer the preorder over to the interested party for the final payment. Regardless of how anyone feels about how things should or should not have been handled, this is a solution that resolves the issue for all involved and brings happiness also to the 3rd individual who now gets a nice throw that they wanted. Merely a suggestion for resolution.


I agree Steve. I mean if anyone sees this and wants it, message me. But the whole point of this was for people to learn from my part on this and business owners like Jake to learn from his. Whether or not he wants to is up to him but I understand that these preorders are an unspoken agreement, but since there was no literal dotted line with terms, I tried to see what they could do considering my position.

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I’m saying anywhere, yes it should’ve been in the email. But Jake also makes videos for most releases/pre-orders, if it was stated there then, yeah, it’s a no refund.

But also, not taking sides, there should always be some wiggle room in things, especially with small businesses. Never hurts anyone to be kind.


If it is stated anywhere that I haven’t seen then I will accept I am wrong and just move it on. I am going to try and move it on anyways, but if it is true that it was stated somewhere then I will accept it. But I am not sure if there was, I only got that email for it.

I don’t think this type of custom offering works if everyone can request a refund after making a commitment to buy.


I planned on following through until I lost my job. I was just trying to emphasize the lack of communication, and the communication that I did get was basically oh well good luck. If you guys wouldnt mind getting that type of treatment then maybe I am wrong in making this post.


Your messages initially were not a demand and still really aren’t. It’s passive aggressive and comes off as “I would like this but up to you” and of course Jake’s gonna choose the path that benefits him you have the option. Your language dictates the conversation and you didn’t make the situation urgent nor did you state a specific ask.

At this point you should sell your spot put it up on the g2 Facebookl page, discord or BST here and someone will probably buy your spot but they will need Jake to be good with that too to feel comfortable.

I get the frustration Jake probably should cya and have no refunds stated more clearly and have tried to find a way forward but your messages above don’t really come off as a demand they are non comital until you get frustrated further in the thread.

Both sides look like they could have done better but passive language is part of the problem here.

If you want an answer give a solution like selling your spot with Jake’s blessing. Leaving the solution to him won’t give you anything unless Jake feels it’s truly a bad on his end and this doesn’t look that way to be honest. You made a commitment then bailed and asked it you could back out maybe…

this post also comes off as a passive aggressive attempt to smear Jake while trying to get your way.


The way I it I shouldnt have to make it bad enough to where they see fit. I shouldnt have to explain that I lost my job to get a refund. There wasnt a policy in place. But I get it. The thread can be closed, we are going to resolve this now like we should have a month ago.