You can just buy another Dark Magic, pair the o-ring sides together and change the rubber o-rings to silicone o-rings, and sell off the starburst pair.
i do not reecommend sanding the starburst.
you could get some silicone stickers and it would recess one side.
also a different way is to get a kk. they are not necessary but i love my dm with it.
it makes it less responsive and does not rub on the starbursts.
I started using a thinner string and that helped a lot. Some time in the next few weeks I’ll wind up having 2 more DM’s I’ve made some trades for. I may get brave and try to mod one. I’d love to know if there’s a way to sili recess one.
I have a beat SFHG with the starburst sanded off the I got in a trade. It’s an okay player but , like someone said, the binds are smidge slippy. Maybe I’ll practice modding on that one.