I drew it because sometimes I feel alone when I’m throwing my yo-yo…
Cause I’m the ONLY one who plays yo-yo here at my place…
I don’t have any friends… The internet is my only option that’s why I learned my tricks…
But when I see videos of other people playing yo-yo… I feel inspired and I still continue throwing even though I’m all by myself…
By the way, The word “Ano yan?”… When translated in English, It means “What’s That?”
many of us here have no one to share yoyos with, you can try to explain to other people about yoyos, it might be hard.
But its true what you said, when you see other peoples videos, it does inspire.
Very good meaning to the drawing.
Other people think that yoyoing are just child’s play…
Especially my classmates… It’s hard for them to understand that yoyoing has no age limit… It’s fun and a good exercise…
Players in singapore are so lucky… They have so many good players there… I saw some of thier videos doing some hiroyuki suzuki’s tricks and the kids there are beasts!