Today was the lapfcu’s (los angeles police federal credit union) 75th anniversary, so they had like a little party thing. I got there around the end, so they were basically giving what they had left of the stuff away. One of the things they had were some yoyos, so I took like 6 of them. lol
they’re actually not bad loopers.
they’re clutch system (like a brain) and that uhh… whatever the loop 900’s shape is called.
they’re trans-axles
and they light up!
I’ll put up a video/pics later, cuz I’m out the door right now. overall though not bad for a completely free yoyo.
man, i wish i went, a opportunity to meet the people who protects us daily and free yoyos ;D
I know, right? haha
unfortunately they turned out not very good…
out of the 6 I got, I could only get like 2 to sleep at all. ><
I might be able to mod them a bit to make them better.
And just on a side note, I went to sunshine kite company today and met Yoshi Mikamoto, and tried out his signature that should be coming out soon, the Cerberus.
And bought a yyf Monster. which is amazing, I might add.
You mean the Vigilante? That was the name of protos he had at BAC.
I’m not sure. I thought he said it was the cerberus. Was the vigalante a metal/plastic like a dark magic?
Now I’m all hyped up!
hey how was the cerberus? was it good? Like compare it to other yyj bi-metals
I don’t really remember, it was a while ago that I threw it. I can ask him tomorrow if I can throw it again though
and just an update on the free bank yoyos… I take back what I said about them being not bad. I let some of my non-yoyo friends use them, and they smacked them into the floor. broke the first time
apart from how fragile they are though, they’re okay.

I don’t really remember, it was a while ago that I threw it. I can ask him tomorrow if I can throw it again though
and just an update on the free bank yoyos… I take back what I said about them being not bad. I let some of my non-yoyo friends use them, and they smacked them into the floor. broke the first time
apart from how fragile they are though, they’re okay.
Do you go to Yoshi’s yoyo class at the Redondo pier?I do.