My absolute favorite video.

That’s awesome

My new favorite. Just awesome.!

Dude. That was sick.

Thanx Mr. Yoyoguy, that was a ton of fun to watch. It looked to me as if it came from Russia.
Thanks for sharing.

If you liked that one, you should check out the other videos on the channel, they all are edited really well. This one is especially cool, theres a section where the camera isolates the yoyo, gives a pretty trippy effect.

Those are very cool indeed. I don’t think the guy in the Aero Fighter shirts is as smooth as the big name pros, but his style, along with the production of the videos, leave a real sense of wonder.


New video.  I hadn’t "re"posted it because it’s featured in an adjacent thread, but I feel it absolutely belongs here:


…and thanks for keeping this thread going, everyone. It’s becoming a great source of inspiration for me. :slight_smile:


I’ve been thinking the same thing for a while. Amazing videos, but I do think he could probably clean up his tricks a little more.

I’ve always liked Revolution in Prague:

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This one is short, but oh so smooth.

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This is my favorite video that I think a lot of us would enjoy:

5 years old still my favorite. btw did he ever compete I can’t find much on him

I like that Mikhail video a lot too. I still think Recoil is one of the coolest tricks I’ve ever seen.

I haven’t seen anything about Mikhail competing in quite a while, but he used to. It might be hard to find any footage of his freestyles, though, because I don’t think he ever placed that high at any major contests, and they might all be several years old.

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Crap! How have I not seen this guy yoyo before?!?!!? He’s ridiculous! Love the song too!