I can’t believe you haven’t seen this video

Clickbait? Probably. Conversation starter? Hopefully.

So I was out of the scene for quite a while, and one thing I notice when listening to videos or podcasts, or reading threads, is mentions of legendary performances or moments in history that are talked about like a forgone conclusion that you’ve seen it.

Well, I haven’t. I have watched next to 0 performances, routines, competitions or whatever, from the dawn of modern unresponsive play just clips in YouTube videos, or newer stuff posted here. So where should I start? What can’t you believe that I haven’t seen?

Edit: Here is a playlist of posted links! I’ll try to keep it updated.


The letter blue


Jensen 2011 is number 9 on the year but no 1 in my heart


This video is super informative and adds so much context to each of the winning WYYC 1A performances. Really helped put a lot of things into perspective for me. Shoutout @swagwagon

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Some of my all-time favorites:

As you can see, I don’t watch very many new videos.


I had this on VHS back in the 90s and a Duncan Butterfly. Watched it a zillion times until I could do split the atom and rollercoaster on the Butterfly.


2 of my favorites. One yoyo video and one freestyle


thanks for making this thread! I’ve not seen any of this either and im stoked to

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Justin Weber clip video:

One of the most underrated players of all time IMO. No one thinks like him.

Ando Worlds 08, totally changed the game:

Zach Gormley Worlds 2015:

This and Ando’s world’s epitome probably have my vote for most brilliant winning 1A freestyles.

Honorable mention to his follow up fs:

Jason Lee Afghanistan:


Takeshi Matsuura 2018 Worlds 1A:

Charles Haycock 2016 Canada Return Top:

Jensen Kimmitt Subway Video:

Sid: Wu Tang Tricks -

Along with Chuck, Sid has my vote for two of the most naturally brilliant yo-yo players ever. I’d also put Ricardo Fraolini on that list. (Follow him on Instagram.)

Ricardo Fraolini: Manatee Video -


More and Oh took me waayyyyy back. Sheesh


Forever love this classic. Tessa Piccilo and Charles Hancock are such gods of style.

Haven’t seen folks post this before, but it is so lovely:


Fresh but a must see


That Kim Min Joon Physix video is so good, my jaw was on the floor when I first saw some of those tricks. Just on a whole other level. I have to re-watch it every time I come across it :smile:

Similarly (and funny enough by another player from empathy), is Kieran’s video for the Apathy:

There’s also some mind-bending tech from Paul Harness in this one:

Speaking of incredible tech, the UNPRLD team is pretty … unparalleled … in that regard. I mean just look at the speed which Nick cranks out incredibly intricate tech in this:

POV videos are always great because I can see how all the tricks I can’t do are done. This recent one from Dkim is up there with the best:

And of course, how can you bring up UNPRLD without mentioning the GOAT of flowy tech:

Feel like I’m gushing but they truly do have one of (if not) the most stacked roster for a team consistently putting out great videos. Is there one that even comes close in this respect? They put out 8 incredible videos just this year alone!


One of my all time favorites, RIP Jesse

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Best video ever


One of the first yoyo vids I watched. Still holds up IMO

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Some of my personal favorites

I can’t believe I forgot about this one. …do you remember this one, @Augie?


Hah! Wow, this takes me back!!!

I was so proud of these tricks and this video. Early college experience, breaking out of my shell, etc.

First whips/lacerations/hooks that weren’t standalone I think!

Wish I still had that pink powder coated 401k from DissKings/Josh Root. He was making some cool stuff then.

I actually got tendinitis pretty bad from practicing these tricks. @unklesteve gave me a call and coached me for like 20 minutes with how to take care of it. It was a lifesaver!

He then sent me on a circus sideshow nationwide tour the next summer. Steve Brown is still my hero. :smile: