Most Def General-Yo FTW!
Wow…umm… your alot better than me and i started about a year ago…(may to be exact) but i hadn’t practice over the summer at all and started seriously yoyoing (now that i think about it 3 months ago…)althoigh i am a slow learner lol. Just amazing and the camera quality wasn’t that bad.
Ps… if you haven’t figured out the spirt bomb mount(wrist mount) to trapeze, heres how it goes.
You curl your had in towards yourself (and as if you were going double on for the first part of spirit bomb,) you land on the back string only… non else or youll get a knot. Let all the string “roll” or slip off your hand and your in trapeze!
Ok thanks for the help on Spirit Bomb! And Thanks for the feedback also!