Musicians Unite!

This is just awesomesauce. I absolutely love it.


My “new to me” practice rig I got for Christmas.
Picked up the (used) Mark Bass Blackline 250 back in November because I had an Acoustic B115 that wasn’t getting used. I had been playing through a Fender Rumble 100 for a long time at home. After playing the MB through that Acoustic I decided I wanted a GK 15 to match the GK 212 that I use at gigs with my Aguilar SC500. Found one used through the Musicians Friend site and had it delivered. I haven’t stacked them yet because the 212 rig stays at our practice space but I’m looking forward to hearing this 115 stacked with the 212 at the full 500W that the Aguilar can pump out. It sounds awesome by itself. Nice, tight, thick bass.

Enjoy the groove my friends


Hey y’all! Here’s some pictures of most of
my synth collection, and my guitar rig I play with my band.

I have some more synths and stuff too, but the collection is always in flux!


Lonestar, Eventide, Strymon…Nice! Good taste in gear/tone. What are those two pink pedals?


smallsound/bigsound (sadly not making pedals anymore :cry:) f*ck overdrive and mini. Best drive pedals I’ve ever used!


What’s really cool for you about finding this particular group of musicians is…as you spend more time here you’ll realize that yo-yoers are some of the coolest people on the planet and this is a pretty tight community. So you’ve literally stumbled upon the coolest musicians on the planet. Not social media cool…actual cool. :wink::+1:


Oh cool! Never heard of them. Will check em out…always love a good drive pedal.

Also, noticed that is actually a Stiletto. :face_with_monocle: haha.

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Idk if they post here, but on r/throwers the other day I met a guy who I knew from the diy synth community and it was really cool because I’ve followed his work for years, even almost sold them some stuff, but never knew he played! So far everyone here has been so nice and cool and I’m always so glad when a new hobby helps you meet some really sweet folks.

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Somehow I missed that too :woman_facepalming:

Would love a LS, but the Stiletto is great. Only problem is that I have to turn it up real loud for the dirty channel to sound good, fortunately the pedals make it sound good at most any volume though. These days I’m mainly playing through a Jazz Chorus.

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Just thought I’d share.