Thank you very much for collecting many mowl products.
Our designers have adopted the right response system for each yo-yo.
Thanks a lot for your support.
We hope to release an engraved version of Q at some point.
Thank you very much for collecting many mowl products.
Our designers have adopted the right response system for each yo-yo.
Thanks a lot for your support.
We hope to release an engraved version of Q at some point.
Great idea! The problem is that none of our mowl ambassadors can play 2A, so once we have a player who is good at 2A, we would love to produce that!
Maybe a Shu-See-U? Thanks for answering all these questions btw. Very cool.
As for Highwall, I can’t say which one, but it was inspired by something else.
We just saw the work of Junji Ito, it looked like Highwall haha.
First of all, I just want to say that I am a big fan of both of your unique and intricate styles of yoyoing!
My questions for you two are:
Thank you guys for taking the time to read through all of our comments!
I am really interested in trying the Hybrid. I have been a fan of well-made plastic yoyos for a long time. Ever since I purchased the Born Crucial Milk upon release I have been a fan of Delrin especially. Beside the Hybrid, what are some of your favorite plastic yoyos?
I LOVE the Owl’s. I have been a fan of Owl’s most of my life as my mother always loved them as well. Your yoyos look so AMAZING not spinning, but I just can’t get over how great my Mowl M looks while spinning. The fade makes it looks shimmering, glimmery, and iridescent. Do you put much time into how the yoyos look while in motion? Or is that just a pleasant perk that comes with your designs?
I love that you brought this quote up as well. I’m sure other companies in the future will use your ideas as inspiration. Thanks again for all of your answers, this has been a good thread!
My questions are:
If you don’t mind I have one more question
I’m sure no one would doubt that Mowl is one of the most successful yoyo brands in recent years.
What’s your biggest lesson and most memorable moment in your entrepreneurial journey?
Thank you!
I’m looking forward to trying both the normal and fat Mowl x Kitty string. Do you use both weights for different styles or particular yo-yo model, or do you prefer only normal or only fat for everything?
Do you believe in aliens?
If you had one oppertunity to throw a yo-yo on the moon which style of play would you choose(1A,2A,3A,4A,5A)?
started playing yo-yos in 1997 with BANDAI’s Hyper Yo-Yo.
we are very interested in collaborating with other yo-yo brands, but we are currently only interested in a limited number of North American brands because they do things differently than we are. Collaboration with just a logo on it and without roots or respect may be good financially, but I am really not interested.
Thanks for your interest in the hybrid.
I’ve not touched any other plastic or mono-POM yo-yos since I made the hybrid.
If you ever get a chance to try a hybrid, please give it a try. I recommend it with confidence.
I’m inspired by various places, things, people.
When I can’t decide on a yo-yo design, I think about yo-yo logos 24/7.
Many North American yo-yo brands are very liberal, which is attractive to us.
Which mowl yoyo do you think is most competition or performance oriented?
Thanks for doing this! I have two questions:
What is your favorite trick to throw?
Between intricate engraving and multiple materials, your designs are pretty complex. Has there ever been a design that was too complex to reasonably manufacture and sell?
What is your favorite color to use on a yo-yo?
What do you prefer solids , fades, or splashes ?
For bimetals : colored rims or silver rims
Last one polished YoYos ? Or blasted ?
Thanks for the reply that was something I’d been wondering about for a while hah.
It’s cool you did this. It would be neat to see more co-mingling of the Japanese and English yo-yo communities. I understand the language barrier makes that tough though.
Couple more questions -
Are there any up and coming Japanese yo-yo companies that you guys really like?
What do you think of the magnesium stuff TP is doing? Is it something you guys are exploring too?
What kind of image are you trying associate with the Mowl brand? I see y’all collaborated with a lot of artists and mention a lot of fashion stuff so just wondering
Do you like American beer? If so, what have you liked and what do you want to try?