Most Inspiring Player for you.

Jack Ringca and Rafael Matsunaga from Duncan

People that I’ve never meet- Jason Lee and Paul Escolar.
People that have help me with my yo-yoing more than they will ever know-Henry Q, Justin W, Tressley C. and Sebastian B.
Person that inspires me to continue yo-yoing and be the best I can be- Pat Cuartero (nicest guy I have ever met and look up to him a great deal)

for 1a probably takahiro iizuka, for 3a probably yasuki tachibana maybe, for 4a it would be futoshi maruyama, and for 5a tyler severance

I have a few:

Guy Wright for sheer technical genius.

Doc Pop for genius and being so multi-talented, both in-and-outside of yo-yo’ing.

Ed for pretty much all the previously mentioned reasons.

Augie for making it look fun and easy, and always looking happy while he does it.

Mitch (Takeshi) for being awesome and a genuinely nice guy who loves teaching and helping.

Chris Allen for having such passion and love for the community and putting SO much effort forth to make it better for everyone.

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Danny Severance 1a, Jake Bullock 5a

Duncan Crew Worldwide.

All of the players equal as one.


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Yuuki Spencer and Josh Yee.

Those I’ve never met:
Takahiro Iizuka (man I wanna see him win WYYC)
Luo Yi Cheng (another one I wanna see win WYYC, I heard he’s a bloody nice guy too)
Ed Haponik (anyone who still does responsive 1A deserves respect.)
Guy Wright (sheer awesome to watch)

Those I’ve met:
Christopher Chia
Darrell Mitchell
Hassan Marialis

josh yee is my opion the awsomest yoyoer he makes me get up watch woodsencopter then i make my own combos and same with alda chow with 5a they r the perfact yoyoing package

ill give u a hint

zack gormely…and caribou chris

Evan Nagao.

For you that Dont know who he is…
a Kid in Huwaii that Started YoYoing at the Age of 1. After 2 Years he went on TV Shows Such as Jay Leno and America’s Most Talented Kids. Now at the age of 15, He has made Amazing YoYo Videos on Youtube, and After 14 Years of Throwing he Never gave up. He Also Plays All 5 Styles of Divisons. Thats Pretty Inspiring to me. :wink:

Jack is awesome too! Also Hank Freeman, Drew Tetz, and of course Takeshi Kamisato!

i know. hes like the only person who can look bored while still getting 1st place yoyoing

eric koloski and JD

they’re awesome ;D ;D ;D

for 5A Tyler Severence
For 1A john ando or paul han

Sometimes my eyes get a little misty when I see my name in these threads.
You guys are all inspirational to me. Love ya all. =)


Augie, you really, really do, inspire me. Thanks man!

Augie, and JD.

EDIT: and well, anytime I see anyone besides me yoyoing, learning a new trick, etc.

Well, i’ve never really been incredably drawn to just one players style, but Andre and Zack Gormley have some nice tricks.