Most Inspiring Player for you.

Augie. Energy and Fun every time I see him perform.

@Ed: Excellent choice. :slight_smile:

most inspirational?

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Guy inspired some more grind and slack oriented tricks for me but andre’s videos are always fun to watch and i doubt that I would be at where I am today without his tutorials. I inspire myself often though. Every player I watch inspires me in some way but overall I have to say Mr.ed reminded me that you don’t need to have an expensive yoyo to do cool tricks and this really made me think of yoyoing as fun again.

Wow… Respect that dude : O

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Tyler Severance for 1A and 5A and also for 1A Jensen Kimmitt.

Johhny Delvalle, Guy Wright, Andre and lots of others those are some of the major ones.

Shinya Kido ;D

I’m going to have to say Tom Smothers. If it wasn’t for the YoYo Man I would have never picked up a YoYo. As for these days, Ed Haponik and Guy Wright keep me going on a pro level, but my oldest son is the one that pushes me to learn more so I can teach him.

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Augie Fash and Bryan Figueroa

Sebastian Brock

Sterling Quinn

and of course, Miggy

Maybe John Ando but I think if yoyo at all you should inspire other people to yoyo. I mean like do you just want your friends just to watch you or do you say ''hey man do you want to yoyo with me." But just voicing my opion.

really hard to decide tyler servence, Chris Fraser, Yuuki Spencer 8)

all of us

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most definitely ed haponik!

For tricks, David Ung. Every time I watch footage of him, I find something new to do with my yoyo almost immediately.

Andre boulay ilike him for 1A and 5A

None of you know who this is, but Zach Ball. (Senior at school who inspired me)

At first, I was skeptical of a $40 yoyo, until I got one. I never felt something better.

Honestly, w/o Zach Ball, I would’ve never even gotten into this.

As far as tricks go, Don’t really have one. If I had to say, Miggy for 5A. Only reason I even began to get into it.

Jensen. He chooses the best songs for his performances, and is almost nonchalant when he’s in front of a huge crowd performing.


Being a valedictorian and a yoyo champ is very amazing.

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Rick Wyatt. He is so awesome and nice. I’m honored when he teaches me something, or even just says hi. It’s incredible to watch him play. 8) :smiley:
Wahoo Kansas City!!!

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