Most boomer yoyoer yoyo?

ps: i’m a “boomer” rofl


I honestly stated im Fuzzy on this one then presented an absurd contribution to the discussion to start a conversation. Honestly it could go either way. I assume sone still have and often use a Russel and I know plenty that have fireballs laying around but also what yoyo if we all met in person would be the most common or the one we would all want to throw. What boomer yoyo is the yoyo all of us probably have or would have if we realized it’s high wall organic glory.

I’ll note the pano from other’s statements is a pretty solid choice it’s a yoyo I never got into when it dropped but then tried it in a pay it forward and now it’s in my list… after sone wood I’m more focused on.

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While the pano has been listed, I am behind the curve and never played with it.

My opinion on Modern Responsive stems from post 2010. Fixie play has always been it’s thing. Meta going Unresponsive, Modern Responsive bridges the gap. With Mr.Ed and others introducing us to stall play, there was a shift.

0A “Is” fixed axel. 1A Meta is Unresponsive. Modern Responsive is the bridge for the gap between the two. You can go either way with this style.

Requirements I would think would be Responsive that is Organic(ish) and can play either 0A and/or 1A.

By this definition we have so many options.

But being a “Boomer” is not just defined by Modern Responsive Standards…

A “Boomer” may be into Wood Fixies, Other Fixies, Responsive (Generic Term), 1A, 2A and the other Responsive varients.

To answer the question easily, FH1 or Butterfly XT. These are readily available and meet the underlying requirements.

With that said, as boomers, we are not confined to one style or yoyo. In truth, we appreciate the fun/pleasure of simplicity and quality in whatever we choose to play.

While it may not be the Meta of any defined “?A”, we are not necessarily competing, just enjoying ourselves.



Has to be an organic from that era…

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Question:. Why limit it to a “Boom” when there are so many options that are not Boom related?

Isn’t the topic “boomer yoyos” and “boomers”?

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My only issue with yoyo from a boom for the boomer yoyo of note is that’s really subjective more so than the most competitive yoyo today.

Reason why is back then internet wasn’t as common and even so search engines where rudimentary or non existent depending on which boom we are referring to.

This means most popular yo-yos at the time where a regional thing. If you where not in the right area at the right time your yoyo of choice may have been vastly different from someone else and the ability to share that knowledge was hyper local. Only catalogs and commercials would direct folks to such marvels otherwise it was the lucky few who
Found one at a store and it struck a spark or what have you.

I honestly don’t remember commercials. I vaguely remember a few in toy catalogs. Most recall Russel coke yo-yos as they where everywhere at a time and promotional yo-yos where all the rage for a while. (Wish that would come back I would be way more into work conferences if the vendors gave me a yo-yo at there booth) I vaguely remember Yomega stuff and sent a letter to Yomega Corp hoping to get a mail order catalog. (Never happened) idk boomer yoyo based on a boom(unless we are going as recent as 2010 boom then I’ll just amend my original submission to a speed dial which I no longer have) feels kind of harder to pin down vs what are the older folks most interested in throwing today.

Some folks remember the silver bullet I hadn’t seen one until I got back into yoyo and went down the google rabbit hole. I was like yo that’s a neat yoyo. If you weren’t in the scene or local to it you didn’t no one existed. I sure didn’t I just threw a yoyo alone and had some trick books from the local library.


I’m thinking more mid 1990’s to early 2000’s. Brands at that point were fairly well established.

Yeah I was unaware others where into yoyo at that time myself. Didn’t have internet until 2005 and wasn’t exactly aware of much. As far as I knew yoyo was extremely nerdy and I did it on my own with little outside knowledge. I feel that’s a common occurrence with all the folks getting back into yoyo recently.

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Here are mine:

YYJ Hitman, YYF Grind Machine 2 and CLYW Peak 3rd run


From the early to the late 80s I don’t recall meeting anyone else who liked yo-yo. It was considered super nerdy I guess.

Only in the 80s? When did that change??

It changed for me because it went to the wayside for me during the 90s while I was in the Army. I’m sure it was still the same I was just removed from it. :grin:

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Maybe it was the small farm town I was living in at the time but I honestly don’t remember yo-yos ever being cool myself. At best I didn’t get an eye roll. Something switched a few years back I guess the tick tock and social media and now occasionally I’ll get a request to do a trick I probably can’t land or a walk the dog while standing in a parking lot with my rbc. (Almost feels like fighting words but I realize they just don’t know how much it would hurt me to walk the rbc on payement…)

This is why I say pre 2000s experiences where more localized and less in unison vs what they are today.

OG peak

YYF 888 (only certain years though, some yo-yo people claim they can tell the difference. I’m still skeptical :smile:)

Monkeyfinger or RSO, but the earlier the model the more desirable.

Most A/RT yo-yos



Red blood cell

Any CLYW or One Drop to some extent, although the boomerness of the models increases exponentially as you go back to in time, especially for CLYW.

Anything that costs over $300, as long as it’s not made by Yoyofactory

Anything by Luftverk, except maybe the cheat code, because it’s it’s made for the DNA, which requires some learning, and is associated with TikTok.

Anything by a company that can be described as “boutique”

Anything described as “made in the USA”

Any fixed axle

Anything wood, as long as it’s not by Yoyofactory

Almost any slimline responsive, although less so if it’s made by a company like Yoyofactory.

I’ll add more if I can think of them…


Whoa now…

Just because yoyo boomers like to throw it, it doesn’t make it a boomer yoyo.

There are many 90 year olds in this world that drink coffee. Does that make coffee a drink made for 90 year olds?


True. I don’t consider myself a “yo-yo boomer” by any stretch of the imagination, but I enjoy many of the yo-yos I listed.

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I find this funny, I am closing in on turning 50, my first bearing yo-yo was a Yomega Raider in 98’.

I know from all the YoYoBoomer threads I should be in this category.

I have no desire for any of those yo-yo’s except maybe an 888 when YYF releases it again during worlds. (Just to see what I missed out on)

I own the Cheatcode and love it.

But reading between the lines of what you are poking fun of, is personally what I really dislike about the Yo-yo community.


As a Boomer who likes to throw my Red Blood Cell I’d like to say that I ,for one, love it because it is advanced technology as well as an absolute beautiful work of art. My 17 year old daughter loves hers too!! :kissing_heart: Much love Mr Glen.