First there was the DUNCAN boom then the YoMega boom I believe. BOOM means like (got popular/mainstream fast.) Comments etc?
Once players learn how easy it is to bind and return the yo when you want, everyone will want them.
These yo yos give you full control of response.
If money was no object I would buy one weekly.
people need to learn that split the atom isnt that hard + bind returns. i mean i like being unique with yoyos but itd be cool to run into more people to help eachother out…
Its kind of double sided. Yes it would be good for there to be another BOOM because we would run into more people that throw and there would probably be more contests in local malls. The Bad would be when yoyo’s start to pop out in Main stream media like in some cheesy tv show / music video. I guess the good outweigh the bad
Just PLEASE do not let the yoyo commercials be like Fushigi.
But yes, I think there will be another boom. I got 10 people started at school and they have all bought kicksides and pgm’s!
It just needs to be advertised more.
Yea fushigi is just ripping off a bunch of kids. There were a couple 5a commercials i heard about but I’ve never seen one. I think if there was a boom is would be for 5a. In the end I don’t want another yoyo boom.
I think its coming. More and more people stop saying “OMG THATS AMAZING!” and now I get “Wow thats cool, My cousin does that” Its getting known. I mean
-Jensen at worlds made it on ESPN,
-MArkMont in a music video
-Duncan is doing more touring.
You guys are thinking about it wrong. Who cares if it becomes mainstream? That means more competition between companies and cheaper prices and better products for us. Also the compitition between players will become more intense and this will inspire people to come up with bigger and badder things. Back in the day an unresponsive yoyo meant poor maintinence, now its standard. Who knows whats next?
I’m one of the “boomers” haha.
It really does seem like more people are yoyoing now. Also Jensen Kimmitt’s winning World’s routine also really helped it. One thing you can do that will really also help spreading yoyoing is if you yoyo in public. Always someone will ask you, “How do you do those tricks?” And usually they’ll try for themselves, which will create another yoyoer.
i kinda feel like as long as video games are out that will hold kids/teens attention more than a yoyo… however i decided to start yoyoing again a few months ago at 22… so i guess its possible… but unlikely in my eyes
I think that “Boom” is going to be limited by prices these days. Back in the Duncan boom the best yoyo I could buy was like $20.
But, I do think yo-yoing will make steady sales/participation gains due to much improved technology and growing middle-class consumer base in the emerging world.
In the '90s boom, other than the Custom Yos that were between $25 and $40, I only remember 2 metals, the SBII and the Cold Fusion. Both of them were ridiculously expensive. Nobody that I knew knew anyone that had one of those. The boom rolled on $5-$10 Yomegas and Duncans, and then those kids getting hooked and upgading to $15-$20 SuperYos and PlayMaxxs and Losis. Twenty years later you can still get a great yoyo for $15-$20 dollars, so I don’t see any reason why it couldn’t happen again. You don’t have to have a pyramid of metals worth more than my first car to play.
Have Fun,
I have a cold fusion… lol.
And if there is going to be no boom, at least I think there will be a steady growth of people yoyoing. Which, I think, could possibly turn out better.
I do not disagree with the point that the majority of “Boom” users will be moderate spenders. Its just that it is hard to get stoked about driving a Chevy Nova when you know all about the Corvette.
Most novice yoyo players will be fine playing the moderate priced yoyo for a time. But natural skill progression and the nature of modern string tricks means that sooner or later you are going to want to play with metal yo-yos. That is where I see the limit coming in.
I hope there is a boom because more company would come out and the company there are right now would make more yo-yo.Plus stuff like the Yomega Yo-beg would be made again.
it’s started already
read about last week end’s EYYC reports
I know it’s happening in europe, it’s setting up at the moment
yoyo factory (I know people won’t like it) will play their part in it, but not only YYF
I’m not sure it’ll be a “boom” per se, because booms don’t last. I do believe that in today’s society, the yoyo can and will achieve much more than just being a hobby
i say one drop or caribou lodge will make a huge boom very soon
I believe it’s happening already. Things aren’t big yet, but some of the popular “boom” (henry’s etc.) manufactures have bumped up manufacturing and are putting more yoyos in stores like Toys R Us. Duncan and YYF are touring all over, putting a lot of light on the yoyo scene. It’s definitely getting more popular again. As to when it fully takes off and booms again, I can’t really say, but I know it’s around the corner for sure.

I believe it’s happening already. Things aren’t big yet, but some of the popular “boom” (henry’s etc.) manufactures have bumped up manufacturing and are putting more yoyos in stores like Toys R Us. Duncan and YYF are touring all over, putting a lot of light on the yoyo scene. It’s definitely getting more popular again. As to when it fully takes off and booms again, I can’t really say, but I know it’s around the corner for sure.
lol toys r us are getting less they put them on sale and im seeing more `yoyos in tuesday mornings ( place that takes things that stores dont end up selling
The regular guy is willing to fork over $100 if he realizes that most metal yos are done on a cnc machine from solid aluminum. You have to pay for perfection. I guess it's possible to produce yos on an assembly line but quality may be a factor.