Another yoyo boom?

Yep. 7 times the number of yoyoers since last year.

But that’s all it is. A hobby.

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And a weapon :smiley:

think how many more forum members there will be. ghhheeaaa

Not related… but do you notice how there’s always more guests than users?

Maybe you guys don’t know that yo-yoing in china is so popular these years and you can find that every student in middle school and elementary school has one in their hand.

With the cartoon made by a big yoyo manufactory , yo-yoing is developing at a incredible speed now. Yoyo in china is much cheaper, a metal yoyo which can spin about 6 mins only cost 60 rmb which equals no more than 9 dollars! You can do horizontal skills with it also. I think it’s just the first boom in china

mostly bots gathering up information about random things from random people.

I meant to hit the “quote” button, but I hit the “Thank You” button by mistake. The regular guy on a yoyo forum might think that $100 isn’t too much to spend. Most of the yoyoers out there wouldn’t ever entertain the thought of spending that much on one. The difference between a $100 yoyo and a $20 yoyo is; the $20 doesn’t grind as well, it vibrates a little, and you don’t get to say that you own a $100 yoyo. Booms happen because new people are drawn into the hobby. $100 yoyos don’t draw people in. New people laugh at people that would spend $100 on a yoyo. I know that running small batches on CNC machines costs a lot of money. I’m just saying don’t loose sight of the fact that only a very small minority or yoyoers find that kind of presicion worth the money.

Have Fun,

hey… im fine with it… just as long as im ahead of the boom in skill and experience ;D

I’m not sure it’ll be a “boom” per se.

I actually believe it’s going to be more of a “permanent” and significant increase in players in the next years

yoyoing brings some answers, some support in today’s crazy world, it brings people together and teach people good values that will help them to live through the rough times ahead.

who knows? mabey people will become less stupid and discover that yo-yos arent toys no more. it realy pisses me off when people are like OOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH when i do a dog walk. I already convinced 2 people to start throwin’ and im on my to start unresponsive play. ;D

I want more people to throw with!

Was going to post the other night but suddenly got wrapped up in something else and closed the browser out. Anyway, here’s my take on an upcoming boom: I kind of feel that we are possibly seeing the beginning of another small boom. We had the huge one in 1999, seemed to have a small one in 2004 around here as I saw tons of kids with Fast 201’s everywhere (and Walmart had Freehands, Speedles, and Skeeters). With how affordable metal yo-yos are becoming, and their availability in physical stores, I can see another one coming. But again when I go to Walmart or Target and see no yo-yos in sight, I begin to think maybe one isn’t coming afterall.

We ourselves could help feed to a future boom if we keep throwing in public. The general public can be easily amazed by simple tricks like Rock the Baby and Eiffel Tower. Kids especially are easy to amaze. I had one kid come up excited asking me where I bought my Metal Drifter at…after doing a Mach 5 which had caught his attention.

I have to agree with that point. Whenever I throw in public the reaction is a positive one. I think that sometimes we tend to keep yo-yoing to ourselves - for whatever reasons. Getting yo-yoing out in front of the public is the best thing to promote the “boom”.

Kids especially, do not appreciate the fact that many people over 45 are ex-yoyo-ers. They threw back during the Duncan boom of the 70’s. I find they are especially receptive to modern yo-yoing. These modern sleeping yo-yos are exactly what I was looking for in the 70’s when my attention to yo-yos started to wane. I mean really, after a while - there was only so much you could do with a Duncan Imperial. But these new ones are amazing!

… yo-yo’s are toys.

nobody in my school throws at all. :frowning: :’(

The same to you.
my school has 50 thousand students.

I yoyo at school everyday and people are starting to get really interested in it. Recently someone bought a Dv888 so I could teach them.

I posted this in another thread.

A boom would be if the yoyo got popular and you saw everyone with a yoyo.

We are on the way though, we went from weird to acceptable, only some commercials away from popular.