Mordo613 - Slow payer

From what I’ve read here, and in the past, most of the people who take issue with Mordo613 as a trader, disagree with his tactics in the buy sell trade, because he appears to be an avid yo-yo “reseller.” By reseller, I mean he has been identified as someone who:

  1. Buys yo-yos, and lots of them, for a low price;
  2. He often resells them for a higher price than he bought them for;
  3. And resells them within a short period of time.

These things show an “intent” to use the buy sell trade to facilitate a profitable business, and not just for personal use and convenience.

The reason people are calling for the ban, is in Rule #17 of the Buy Sell Trade rules:

  1. The Buy/Sell/Trade is not for manufacturers or people who are working as a reseller or manufacturer of their own product or a product bought in quantity from somewhere else. One of a kind yo-yos or mods are understandable to trade on the forums but if you are trying to sell large quantities of specific product this is not the place to do it. If you want to discuss this with us (or possibly bringing your product for sale on YoYoExpert) feel free to contact YoYoExpert:

Now, I have not offered my personal opinion on any of this yet as a whole, but wanted to add some perspective.

What TA said is semi true. I buy my yoyos and try them out. The ones I really like stay in the collection and the ones I don’t like I sell/trade. I really don’t see the problem here. I’ve never forced anyone to sell me anything. If you decide to sell something for a certain price it is your decision.

Would like to note that it is possible to block people you don’t want messaging you. From the profile tab at the top you can navigate to personal message options and add names there of people you don’t want messaging you.

Very true

So again based on your feedback why so long to ship?

While this is true, you really don’t take well to a deal falling through. For example, here’s a message you sent me after I told you I wasn’t interested in a deal anymore.

kinda rude if you ask me

Nevertheless you still have your yoyo.
No not rude…
We were going back and forth and then I accepted your offer.
You pulled out and cancelled the deal.
The rudeness was on the other side my friend.

Well even if he was rude for pulling out it doesn’t keep ur comment from being rude but if it is how u said it could be understandable.

Bumping based on his current thread


@A_Soviet_Locust @codinghorror @stevejspins @anon49438433 @vegabomb @avengedseven77

where were ya guys on this one? 6 years passed too…


i was ridin my choppa. @fatguysnacks247
p.s. you must’ve been psychic cuz @avengedseven77 posted 18hrs later looking to do a deal