MoonageMin & Twitch's Trick-a-Week Challenge! (2020)

Looks like this will fit well with Smoothie


Awesome pick @ryanmcg ! This will be a challenging one

@AKYOYOMIKE @CPC great work guys, I loved your videos.


Why do almost all modern yoyo tricks look like the person is trying to get as close as possible to making a giant knot without actually making a giant knot? I guess that’s the trick!


Week 38 Hourglass (BV Hourglass)


Oh my God that was smooth. Excellent job Ryan!


Thanks man. That was a fun trick, and one I’ll keep working on.

I love what you did with it; probably my favorite video anyone has posted here on TaW.

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Dude that was great! And i agree this BV hourglass is one of the coolest tricks I’ve seen. I’m not even close but i love it.

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Thanks man. I think yours is way smoother than mine tho. I love your flow

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Brandon’s great!


Awesome hourglass vids fellas! I’ve been kinda slacking on the last 2 weeks of tricks but they look so fun I’ll have to do some catch up


I’m really digging this week’s Drop GT trick.

The final drop really got me scratching my head for a good 30minutes of trying.

In the end, what worked for me is to not focus on the string but rather just on the yoyo and make it hop vertically up, the rest « unwraps » itself.


The drop and initial whip definitely took me a few to get the hang of.

I found the same thing worked for the drop as well, just hop straight up in between everything and separate the hands! Its a fun one for sure! It’s also very similar to an Arata Imai trick Yoyojoe1 did a tutorial on


I don’t get the Kamikaze whip but right at the start :sweat_smile:


So you do the motion like you’re going into an undermount, but about when the yoyo contacts the bottom side of the string do a normal kamikaze whip except faster, a bit overexaggerated, and without the NTH pinch. I feel like it’s more sensitive to timing than technique


I started working on this last night
 landed it last night :grin: Still needs work though, not very smooth yet. I also mess up that little slack element a lot.

I really thought this was going to be harder, but it’s actually an almost perfect follow up to previous TaW tricks.


i haven’t gotten the hang of the last 2 tricks so this should fall right in line. Working on it now.


Here’s a Hourglass trick I made for last week’s TaW.

Time to start working on Drop GT


Okay so I tried working on Drop GT a bit last night.
I am quite far behind on TaW ashamedly as you probably realised, and I figure what better way to catch up than start from the present :joy:

So this is my progress so far,

  1. not smooth yet
  2. GT forming inconsistently about 1 in 3~4 lands in a GT the rest just dismounts.

Anyway progress so far thought I might get a video in early this time before I get lost in living the life :grin:


So I have been a bit behind on listing the index of TaW for a while now.
While I was at it, I put some time and effort in to make it a little more user friendly.

So now in the Original First Post you will find a full list of all the TaW tricks each hyperlinked to the corresponding post.
Previously, I had it hyperlinked to the relevant video, but sometimes the truth is in the comments so I thought it will be more useful to be able to click on a week and jump to the first post of that week. This way you have both immediate access to the relevant video but also travels you back in time to that week and see what others have been commenting and helping each other with the particular trick for more tips and advice!

This is what it looks like now for reference.

List of tricks :


Looks great broO Captain My Captain, thanks for taking the time.