Moderators please view. And knot placement

I told you that you were going places! How could that be an attack? I’m trying to be the guy that pushes you to accomplish greatness!

it says Administrator under their name.
I don’t think it’ll get stickied though. There’s already a tutorial for the trick on the site. Plus, I see many more people ask for help with kwijibo.

Some people are just rude tho and really sarcastic on here. Its hard to pick that stuff up through text.


You would be surprised at how many people have never been on the website.

I still think there should be a child board for tutorials.

Go Here

Scroll all the way down to the bottom where it says Users Online. The guys whose names show in blue are the moderators who are on line.

Here we have: Meet the Moderators

Yup, me as well.

Hmm, so my weird thinking was correct. :slight_smile:

like THAT

Thaaaannnkksss for nothin.

The middle of the section closest to my hand.