Misery loves company... Any club jugglers here?

Yes I tried it on skinny rings, they spin a little longer, but kinda wobble or tilt. The fat ring locks right in and stands straight up, but it scrubs off speed faster. Outside the fat rings really pop too, the color is great because they let light through.
I just got some regular rings a couple weeks ago because they were on sale at the place we have yo-yo club. Someone at juggling club showed me the fat rings and I came home and ordered some right away. So much easier on the hands!

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So these are the hollow rings on their site?

Yes, I got the renegade 14” x 1/2”.

Cool. I might try a larger size!

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There are tons of amazing instagram reels with juggling, it’s very encouraging. Lately I have been working on 4 balls, which is really hard, but I have got some good help from folks in the juggling club.
With clubs I have started to practice low, fast doubles, that way I can drink beer and practice in my living room.
The juggling club I go to is predominantly older folks, all vaccinated and very careful to do all the Covid protocol jazz. My yo-yo club is much younger, but still very careful to stay safe. Unfortunately even with all due cautions, 3 of the 4 key people in the group came down with it in the last 3 weeks.
Do what you can to stay safe folks, even if most people get it, at least we don’t have to get it all at once!


Thinking of hitting JuggleFest 2022 in March. Austin,TX.


Congrats on working on 4! It’s for sure up there for one of my more favourite groupings.

I found to work on it really well is practice 2 left and right, then with 3, do two in one hand, and just do the third asynchronous, or synchronize if you’d like that rhythm.

While yo-yoing has been something I’ve truly started practicing in the last while, juggling is something I’ve done for 15 years now. 5 is where my brain likes to struggle, but hey it’s all fun, and a good learn.

When you have four down, the cascade with them is so satisfying and fun.

Good luck with the adventure, it’s so much fun, and such a great way to relieve stress. Much like yo-yoing, I’ve always found it to just be cathartic.

And if you’re ever finding the feel weird, I highly recommend trying a smaller set of juggling balls, I have 90mm that I started with for 5, but switched to 72mm and they are the perfect size for me.

Oh I could nerd about this for so long. So good luck with your adventure! I wish you the best in getting 4 down, and hope the journey there is fulfilling, and cathartic all at the same time :slight_smile:


Thanks, I will try some of those tips.
Yeah my yoyo time is definitely giving way more and more to juggling.
The return is very different than hammering away at a yoyo trick. Yo-yos are fun, but juggling messes with your brain. In a good way.


Yeah I am bumping this old thread because I want to give a pep talk to anyone struggling with or even just thinking about juggling clubs.
Even though I started way to old to expect to be a great club juggler, I am still improving and I am starting to learn how to pass.
So if you want to learn clubs just keep at it and you will get it, even though it’s kind of an ugly learning curve.

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