I JUST realized after watching I don’t know how many videos, that the overhead of point of view is reversed–since I’m left handed–and that’s why it’s messing me up on some tricks.
Is there a clever way to mirror you tube?
I JUST realized after watching I don’t know how many videos, that the overhead of point of view is reversed–since I’m left handed–and that’s why it’s messing me up on some tricks.
Is there a clever way to mirror you tube?
Put mirror in front of your monitor. Stand behind your monitor. And look at the reflected tuts in the mirror.
Kinda primitive but ‘clever’
Or… If you have an IPad or some other compatible device; search Apple apps or go into the Google play store and search ‘mirror image apps’.
Get an app that will literally reverse things on your screen.
You could hire an artist to do reverse drawings as needed.
Another “clever” method is to hire and film a “lefty” to do the video and everything will look right to you.
There’s some internet browser plug ins that can flip videos.
See, I knew you guys would know! Thanks!
Yep, i use that when im having trouble understanding a really complex trick (also lefty). Nifty stuff
I looked into it a little more and I found a bunch of plugins that flip videos, but they actually just rotate them instead of creating a mirror image.
Then I found this site: MirrorTube | Concrete Age Skate Press
That mirrors the whole page so it’s a little wonky to control, but the image is clear.
Or you could just not be a lefty and do things the way they are meant to be done right handed.
Yeah, lefties just don’t think right.
You know everyone is born right handed.
Only the best overcome it.
oooohhhh Major Burn