Hey guys, hope everyone is having a safe and fun Labor Day Weekend! I was just wondering if anyone had any suggestions on where to go for good lefty tutorials? I just found mrmatio’s on YouTube and they look really good so I’m gonna check those out first, but any other suggestions/websites/channels etc would be great! Sometimes it’s just super confusing trying to learn from a righty when the tricks get more complicated haha
You could always mirror the video. Go to the address bar of the video and in the url, replace “YouTube” with “mirrorthisvideo” it’s honestly been a while since I tried this, but it should still work.
Mike montgomery is left handed and a great teacher.
I’m going to try this and i’ll let you know if it works! Because I am able to mirror if the tutorial has the cam facing the person, it’s the go-pros that get me lol
mrmatio has a whole playlist of left handed tricks. He’s got some dope tricks too.
I pretty much gave up trying to find the lefty version of anything, even scissors. Yeah its harder, and righties don’t get it, but its just how it is. But If i ever put up a video, its gonna be lefty.
Same, I’m always fine following along until they do the POV bit of the video.
Yep, this is what I do. I’m right-handed and use mirrorthevideo.com for tutorials left-handed players make. Works perfectly.
Thinking about starting my own YT channel designed specifically for lefties. I have found some really cool tutorials from mrmatio and they’re great for me personally and anyone more intermediate/advanced, but I haven’t found too much in regards to the basics, how to start, some common lefty stuff etc. So maybe that’s an idea?
This actually works perfectly, awesome idea
Yep! Always the POV that gets my mind twisted and confused
All my tuts have left handed versions . Enjoy! https://youtu.be/xcqdqpv_2Ic?si=azqDAQAHPeDtEQXS
I think it’s really important for channels to make left handed versions as when people mirror the videos it ruins all the text too. And saying “release left thumb” is so much cleaner than “release your non throw hand thumb”
+1 for @Rhythm162 's tutorials.
Most of them I can do without, but there’s a couple of elements that wouldn’t flip in my brain without his help.
Ayy super appreciate the kind words man, thank you!