Mini throws

Masamini 2!


Well there are many 50mm or under throws here are a few as an undersized lover here are a few I like. Just listing newer throws that are easier to get then say some Yoyojams etc.
All versions of the 888 the 66% is epic for it’s size
The new version of the Boss is rather boss
Skylines are good prefer the newer version over the OG
Lil Confusion is great
Lowercase is a fun steel yoyo
Ist from Ziplines
Possum from Ziplines
The Token is good but i liked the OG more than the fingerspin version
BBB Endeavor is one of my favorites
BBB quark is awesome
Honorable mentions aka 52mm yoyos
AL or TI the End love both
Butterfly AL non delrin cap version
Mini Freehand
That’s all that I have or comes to mind.


I have a KnuckleYo. One of these years I may have the skill to throw it… :wink:

PS. Though small, I have never considered my Ditch a mini. It plays like a full size throw.

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I may have the skill one day. The patience, however. . .


is it this prehaps?

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My black spr modded playmaxx ace is probably my fav
Second: my little confusion both play incredibly


most throws are under 50mm anyways so

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imma buy one and and use it as a CW for 5amay

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I don’t think most yoyos are under 50mm diameter.

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Ha that’ll be fun let us know how it goes

If you want that SPR recessed let me know. Had an old Ace that I put a recessed SPR and modded to use hubstacks

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i thought they meant width :sweat_smile:


I think in terms of pure performance the ministar 2 is going to be your best bet. It plays like a light fast full size with great stability and spin time. It does a really good job of not feeling very heavy on the string, which the ditch and g2 mini shee i have both still retain, even though they play nicely.


yoyo monster 3points


I haven’t tried a lot of these… and as mentioned, everyone has a point at which the size is too small and it’s quite difficult to play. Some are fine with this but not me. Concentration issues rob me of joy if I have to focus too much. The Mini Star II was this cutoff for me. Regardless of that though, I second that it is a real powerhouse. I was absolutely stunned every time I threw it. It’s just that I had to focus on it a bit too much and I couldn’t throw it for long. I passed it on and don’t regret it, but only because of my own limitations. The Mini Star II is astonishing, for real!!


I’ll probably end up buying one eventually, I’d like an original ideally but people seem to have a lot of good things to say about the Ministar II, and being from general yo I’m sure it’s great anyway

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I love the Snack and the mono. I’d really hoping to snag a Busker soon(ish)


I don’t think the Minitee has been listed yet. I prefer it to the KnuckeYo as a yo-yo, but it isn’t nearly as good as a knuckle roller.

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Isn’t the minitee a tad larger than a roller?

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For sure, and knuckle rolling is not an intended use. But the shape made be think it could work, and it is possible to do some basic manipulations. Just awkward.

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