Mini throws

Minitee my beloved :heart: I don’t know if it should count as a mini yoyo because of how wide it is. I don’t know how to classify it at all, really, aside from goofy.


I mean, it’s the Minitee. I think “pocket throw for people with weird pockets” says it perfectly.

Minitee & Dink.


Touché. Either way yeah minitee is awesome in part due to how manic it plays and makes enough sense being on this list because it is a pocket throw. You just put the yoyo in opposite how you typically would store a pocket yoyo :laughing:

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If we are saying small but wide have to the mention the Cantilever


66% 888 in stainless or brass are pretty rad especially if you love hub stacks. rain city loonie and busker are amazing, yyf stainless shutter, yoyo friends tiny are also great players. Ditch is a little bigger but is incredibly playable if you are comfortable with slimmer highwall organics. And for responsive, i think the custom reactor fits the bill generally.