MG Throws maintenance

I’ve just got my first MG throw - Derty Mag. Are there any general tips for handling MG, anything to watch out for?

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When you’re not playing it keep it in its plastic bag to keep dust and humidity exposure to a minimum, will also help with oxidization.

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Is a fov case good enough?

If it’s coated already I wouldn’t treat it any differently than an aluminum yo-yo


Anodized magnesium, dunno if it counts as coated

Anodization of metals is done specifically…… Because it is a coating.

It’s fully oxidised so you’re fine and healthy. Like yoyodoc said, it’s a protective coat.

If you’re worried about any nicks and scrapes, the raw Mg is definitely gonna oxidise, which honestly isn’t scary at all. It’s actually pretty beautiful.

Now I’ve had my hands on a raw uncoated Mg, it’s nothing to be afraid of.