Metal Drifter

I just got my Drifter yesterday and its not responding at all, Please help

Responding how? Like its unresponsive and doesn’t come back to your hand? If so, do you know how to bind?

Ya it dosen’t come back to my my hand, and don’t know how to do that.

Your best bet is either thick lube or learn how to bind.

Maybe you need new stickers you can get them on yye

I have been trying to learn how to bind but its just not working, i looked at several tutorials, here and youtube but i cant get it down.

I throw a sleeper and when i try it won’t return.

The way I bind is considered backwards by many, but when I was introduced to it I loved it.

Throw a Hard Sleeper.

Land the yoyo in a forward mount (NOT AN UNDER MOUNT)

Pinch the string with your non throw hand fingers (at the top of the loop)

Pull your throw hand up (slowly for your first time)

You will feel the yoyo binding with the string

get your non throw hand out of the way before your yoyo hits it.

Catch and repeat.

I’m going to have to agree with this too, it may just be the stickers. I would pick up a pack of the Duncan Sili stickers. They work great and last a long time.

I tried that its just not working

Tried what? The stickers or the bind?

The bind, its a new yoyo and i suppose its supposed to be an unresponsive one

Mine was responsive out of the package. The stock stickers aren’t really the best and don’t last very long and the lube that is in the bearing is probably broken in by now making it unresponsive. I would honestly pick up some sili stickers and some thick lube and you should be good. Maybe even a Duncan bearing kit and put some smaller spacers in to tighten the gap to make it more responsive until you get the bind down.

Maybe your string isn’t long enough.
I have trouble binding with string that’s shorter than 2 feet.

Is your response sticker still sticky (rubbery)? or is it smooth (like plastic)?

When you bind, as you are pulling with your throw-hand and pinching the string with your non-throw-hand (slowly), you should see the string wrapping around the bearing more and more, until it touches the response sticker.

If all fails, and you want to make your yoyo responsive, stick some grease in your bearing. Any grease will do.
You can also use thicker string.
You can also try double or tripple-looping your string around the bearing, rather than the standard single loop.

Good luck!

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