duncan metal drifter 2d in the mail an its really hard for me to get it back to my hand an i dont think its an unresponsive yoyo…it gets my aggervating having to roll it back up every second an i dont want it to responsive but ill be tugging hard as i can an it still wont come up? any suggestions? id appreciate it alot thanks

Well that would be an unresponsive yoyo you either need to tighten it or make it more responsive or you need to learn to bind return, which can be found in the learn section under intermediate and then bind return
hope it helps ask if you need anything else

thanks buddy…an on the pack it says its a recessed response system. idk what that means lol an i cant bind yet so i have to tug up rly hard about 3 times til it catches some extra string an then itll come up so i dont understand

recess is the gap cut in to the yoyo just around the bearing/bearing seat.
now recessed means the yoyos gap that is cut into it is filled with pads,silicone,etc.

I strongly recommend binding once you get the hang of it you wont ever forget how and as you progess this is how you get the yoyos to return. When the pad is under the surface of the gap usually it means you’re going to have to bind to get the yoyo to return. I do not know much about the metal drifter but from what your saying it probably needs a bind to return.

Link is posted below on how to bind and on unresponsive yoyos


This is the best I could explain it. Hope this helps ;D Happy Throwing 8)

Im guessing you had someone at school get you into yoyoing. A common mistake I make and im sure others make is calling things like drifters “good” and things like most yomega’s “bad”. The truth is when we say that we mean for someone who does slack tricks. The metal drifter is too responsive for me but to unresponsive for a beginner. But I called it good because it would be for Intermediate to advance but a kid bought it as his first yoyo.

If you just bought it no reason the disregard all above. On the box of the drifter it actually says its unresponsive but i think thick lube or yomega’s brainlube should do the trick. I bet you could pick up some brainlube from a store or buy yoyojam thick lube through this site. they both make your yoyo responsive.

I would personally suggest if your okay with it get a YYF Fast 201 for $10 first and then go and tricks down and learn binding with that so that you can bind with your Duncan

thank yall alot…im thinkin about gettin a diff yoyo til i get better to use tha Drifter.have any suggestions? i like the yyj dark master or whatever its calld lol

here’s the yoyo I was talking about it was my first yoyo and was awesome by tuning the two sides and adjusting them you can make them more or less responsive.